9 "Your not my real damn brother"

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I never knew how attracted to a girl I could be. Andrea and I haven't known each other for that long but she's seriously on my mind all the damn time. I can't even sleep without thinking of her laying in bed with me. Her small torso pressed up against my chest. Her in just my t shirt and her underwear. Fuck. I'd love to get to see her like that any time I wanted. Get to call her mine and nobody else's.

But I dont think it'll ever happen. She still seems all caught up with Ashton and it pisses me off. Ashton doesn't want a relationship. Just a fuck buddy. And I feel like Andrea wants more, what girl doesn't?

I sigh as I shake my head and force myself out of bed. I quietly walk out of the room and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I tried to push Andrea out of my mind, but everytime I see her, I can't help how I feel and what I think.

I groan and shake my head as I brush my teeth. Once I finished with that, I went and changed then went downstairs. I went into the kitchen to grab something for breakfast when I saw Andrea leaning against the counter, drinking a cup of coffee. She looked flustered and tired.

"Morning" I say to show my presence. She looked up from her mug and stood up straight.

"Morning." She mumbled back.

"Do you need a ride to school? I could take you?" I looked at after closing a cabinet. She shook her head.

"No, Ashton's actually on his way to get me." Ashton. Of course.

I roll my eyes and look at her, "What's up with you and Ashton? You guys are always together."

"Nothing, were just friends, I guess?"

"Just friends? Andrea that's bullshit. You guys are always fucking together. And he's always touching all over you. You know, all he wants to do is get in your fucking pants." I let out a breath.

"Why are you getting so defensive over this? News flash Calum, your not my real damn brother." She said.

I shook my head "Whatever. I don't wanna be late." I sigh and walk out. I grabbed my keys off the table beside the door and went out to my car.

Right as I walked outside to my car Ashton pulled up. "Hey bud." He said after rolling down his window. I chose to ignore him and just get into my car.

And that's what I did. I got into my car and drove to school. My thoughts kept going to Andrea which only made me get more frustrated in myself . Why can't she get off my fucking mind?! I kept thinking. Every thought of her is always inappropriate. She's my foster sister. I could get in trouble for just kissing her,

I sigh and tightened my grip on the wheel. I arrived at school school and parked then got out. At the front Luke and Michael were waiting like always.

"Calum, where's Ashton?" Luke asked as he walked towards me.

"Probably off getting a fucking hand job by Andrea before school." I mutter.

"Someones in a mood." Michael laughed. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Are Andrea and Ashton that serious?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"What? Of course not. That'll all be over by the time Andrea finds out how big of an asshole he is." I look at the ground. This only made the two laugh. I look up at them "Why are you laughing?" I clench my fists. I was not in the mood for this shit today.

"Your so serious about it Cal." Luke said "Why is it such a big deal if they fuck around?"

"Because.. she's my foster sister and I don't wanna hear her moping all the fucking time about him." I glared at the two. I didn't wanna admit to anyone how I felt about Andrea.

"Does Calum have a little crush?" Michael smirked. And at that moment Ashton and Andrea walked over.

"Calum has a crush on who?" I heard Andrea's voice from behind me. I quickly turned and glared at Ashton as we made eye contact.

"No one." I groan, "Now I have to get to class." I turn and walk away from the group.

I shook my head and stared at the ground.

I seriously need to just keep my mouth shut. Everyone already knows that I have a crush on Andrea. And I don't wanna admit it. So all i can do for now is deny all the bullshit.

I AM SO SO SO sorrry this chapter is bad and short. I also aplogize for never updating. School always has me busy. But i took my finals and now its my last week. so hopefully i may update more.
-M xx

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