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hwihwi is online

hwihwi: I felt so weird..

hwihwi: bcuz inseong isn't online..

taeyang is online

taeyang: well yeah I guess you're right

hwihwi: thus group is so quiet without him...

taeyang: yeah

jaehoe: maybe it's bcuz of zuho

hwihwi: zuho?

jaehoe: yeah. he kicked inseong out from this group and young in added him back.

hwihwi: maybe yes, maybe no

zuhoho is online

jaehoe: look it's the DEVIL

zuhoho: guys you all got the wrong idea!

jaehoe: he's trying to lie now

hwihwi: ....bai

hwihwi is offline

taeyang: ....

taeyang is offline

zuhoho: I want to tell you something

jaehoe: do you think I'm gonna believe what you said?

jaehoe: hell no

zuhoho: I stole his phone! you DUMMY!!

jaehoe: lies...

leaderbin is online

leaderbin: he is telling the truth Jaeyoon...

jaehoe: what?!

leaderbin: so you we're the one who stole inseong's phone....

leaderbin: give it back to him..

zuhoho: no

leaderbin: fine, I will go there by myself then

zuhoho: okay okay I'm going I'm going!!

zuhoho is offline

leaderbin: great

leaderbin: good night

leaderbin is offline

jaehoe: is he saying to me or...

jaehoe: whatever

jaehoe is offline


short chapter sorry..

it's because I need to go to my extra classes

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