Chapter 7: Why and Thank you...

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3rd P.O.V.

Luca sat on one of the leather crairs inside the known cafe near the river, sipping his afternoon tea. Patiently, He waited for a specific person to finally come in the doors and make the chimes ring. His composture of being gentlemanly never faded on the entire time of the wait. The clock's hollow sounds echo in the empty cafe making an eerie feeling around the area but nontheless. He stared at the victorian porcelain teacup he was drinking on that was now empty of the liquid. “Maybe a quick refill won't hurt” he muttered to himself as he propelled forward to serve himself.

The quietness was then broken by the sudden opening of the entrance door making a gust of freezing cold wind enter the small building. A girl with hazel brown hair and multiple layers of fashionably placed clothing entered the small facility“I'm sorry Luca! I'm soo late! It's Christmas you see and there's a party at my parents house and...”

“It's fine Marzia.” Luca said chuckling as he took something out of his pocket.

It was a small box with beautifully crafted designs. He took Marzia's hands and placed it gently. Afterwards he gave her a warm hug.

“Merry Christmas M-A-R-Z-I-A~!”

“...Thanks Luca” She smiled while pulling away from the hug.

“I'll give you your gift tomorrow since I haven't decided yet. Tell me what you want will you?”

“Surprise me”He gave a sly smile. He checked behind her seeing a suitcase.

“So shall we take our leave?”

Cry's P.O.V

Riddle sat silently beside me after the little conversation we had. We didn't talk after that, not knowing why though. Time has passed fast and it was already nearing night. The children and other individuals left the area and streetlamps start to light up. A person was sitting with his mother on the other side of the park but other than that the whole place was deserted.

“Hey Riddle...” I said breaking the cold silence of the park.

“Hmm?” He hummed.

“... I don't know if I should be asking this because it's strange but...” With slight hesitation, “Your hair, it's short now... why?”

The long crimson hair he used to have has been cut to a much managable size of just above the shoulder yet the cutting didn't seem even as if it was done by himself and was done purely on force.

“I...u-um...” He jittered.

Not again... I might be hitting something again...

“Oh, sorry... I didn't to hit something... again...” I muttered.

“Oh it's f-fine... Let's just say it's childhood trauma...”

I nodded in agreement and fell silent. The lampost nearest me started to flicker due to a broken bulb. The snowfall stopped but the winds started became more and more freezing. Bored, I bent down and created a snowball on my palm and started to throw it randomly in my pleasure.

“Hey!” a man yelled by getting hit by one of the snowballs.

“Sorry!” I yelled back but kept with the activity.

Soon after I got bored by this as well and made my last snowball, throwing it to my right this time. I heard an enraged muttering just after the throw. Damn, I think I hit some random drunk guy. The sillouette of the person appeared moving towards the bench where Riddle and I were sitting. From one sillouette it became two. There were two of them? Apparently.

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