Look at my wrist

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Look at my wrist see what you 

Lead me to do mom you 

Hit me 

Call me names

And you never wanted me.

Why did you give birth to me mom? you treat me like crap.

You call names I go to the bathroom and cry 

I take out a razor blade and and cut

My wrist.

When I come out of the bathroom

I look at my wrist and I do it of addiction

Not to get attention.

I hate my life because no one loves me.

Everyday my mom has her boyfriend rape me 

She doesn't care.

So I go into the bathroom and i slice my wrist until I see darkness and never wake up again.

Look at my wrist see what 

I do to myself because that is the only pain I feel.

No I don't I'm dead, I am free from the pain.

look at my wrist I have carved BYE into my skin

Now I am gone.

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