What Makes You Beautiful(One Direction Love Story/Fanfiction)

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I had just been a fan with a big dream.  All I was wishing for were two things.

1.)  To meet One Direction.

2.)  To beat my leukemia and live.

Yeah, I've had leukemia for a while now.  Actually, it had relapsed.  But, guess what?  It's all taken care of.  Now, I'm going to follow-up exams.  Now, my dirty blond hair has grown back.  Now, I am happy.  But, at the time of my tale, I was very confused and maybe even frightened.

I had chosen not to leave the hospital while I had cancer.  Because of my bald head.  I didn't want anyone to see me like it.  I used to have long dirty blond hair that fell to about my stomach.  So, pretty long, huh?  Well, it all dissapeared.  Well, fell out.  I was devastated.  

Yeah, I had missed prom.  But, I left to go to my graduation.  You know, I felt horrible being the speech giver and not having my wonderful hair.  That was what made me popular.  I had been very popular in school.  I was athletic, yet girly.  I was friends with those who wanted to be friends.  I never misued trust, and I had never cheated on any guy.  My teachers and friends always said I was the perfect rolemodel.  That I would make a fabulous councelor someday.  Yeah, I wanted to be a councelor.  Don't judge me, please.  

But anyway, the whole time during my speech, they couldn't keep their beady eyes off of my bald head.  I felt horrible.  I had debated to just run out of there and let someone else finish the speech, but I continued.  I wouldn't be a quitter.  But since then, I didn't want to leave the hospital.  

Now, life changing stuf now.  Now that we've gotten the boring stuff out of the way.  

I had just been minding my own business when I ran into someone.  No, not at the hospital.  But when I left.  Yeah, I know I just said I wouldn't leave.  But I had to.

Oh you know what?  I'll just explain from the beginning.

This starts at the beginning of the change of my new life...

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