First Sight (English)

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Hey there Earthlings! :)

So here's a one shot for y'all.. I got inspired by something I read on facebook and a story [Her First by Skelebox] read it if you like guys.. :)

This is a love story.. Honest :D


The young girl shielded her eyes from the sun as she glance up the sky. The gentle breeze caressed her cheeks and played with her hair.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

She immediately looked at the source of the voice. It was a young man, about her age, maybe a year or two older with dirty blonde hair which was styled to look like he just got out of bed. He wore a cheerful smile that light up his green eyes. She gave a kind smile in return.

"Yeah, I guess."

He was about to speak but was cut off as another girl came running down towards their direction. Her voice loud making the other people around them look at her direction too. Their faces formed in what look like irritation but the girl just ignored them.

"I'm sorry about her." She had an awkward smile on her face, looking embarrassed for the girl.

"A friend of yours?" He asked looking between her and the girl running.

"Yeah." She nodded, cheeks painted bright red.

"Hey, it's good." He smiled a million dollar smile that caught her off guard and seemed to mesmerize her. "Looks like your friend needs you so I better go. I'll see you around right?"

"Y-yeah. Sure." She stumbled over her worlds, cheeks turning into a brighter shade of red if possible. He left waving as soon as the other girl reached her.

"Hey, what's that all about?" The loud girl asked panting, catching her breath. Red hairs sticking at her forehead.

"N-nothing." She shakes her head furiously making it obvious that it wasn't just nothing.

"Right." The girl stretched the word indicating she isn't taking the lie.

"Okay! You caught me!" She raised her hand.

"So?" Excitement is clear at the girl's tone.

"I think.. Uhm.. I kind of think he's the one." She admitted shyly. Fumbling with her fingers. She took a peek at the other girl, who held shock on her face.

Immediately after recovering from the shock, she shouted. "Are you serious?! Well, go for it girl."

The both of them smiled like a child, grinning from ear to ear. He was it, so perfect. She knew he's the one. The one that would change her life.


Months had passed. Both the boy and the girl found themselves getting close to one another, knowing more about each. The girl getting closer and closer to her goal, her plans with the boy.

"Where would you like to go?" He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin above her head as they sat in a bench at the park.

The girl seem to think for a few seconds. A smile slowly made its way to her face. "Hey, I want to show you something!" She said excitedly. This is the perfect moment.

"What would that be?" He asked, slowly releasing his hold to her. She immediately stood up, getting a hold of his arm. "It's a SEC-RET" She said with a wink. She run fast towards the forest behind the park, dragging him with her.

"Slow down will you?" He chuckled as he himself run to match the pace of the girl.

Eventually, they stopped in front of what seem to be an old abandoned warehouse. The place look run down. The gate is all rusty and the color that once covered the building is fading.

"What are we doing here?" He looked at her with raised brow, which she only returned with a smile that sent chills down his spine. He just ignored it.

"This is my favorite place." She went for the chains that seal the building.

"Really? Why is that?" He ask as he followed the girl and peeked through the now open gate. Even with the gate open, the inside of the warehouse is still dark.

"You'll know. Now come on in." She stepped aside to let him in first. He ducked under the gate and was immediately greeted with a pungent odor which made him cover his nose.

"What is that smell?" He looked around but the dark is preventing him from seeing anything. In the end, he just turned to her.

"It's not that bad is it?" She tilted her head looking confused.

"Yes it is. I'm going." He was about to leave but she stopped him immediately.

"Wait! Don't go please" Tears were visible in her eyes making him stop dead in his tracks. "I brought you here because you're special." She took a lungful of air before continuing. "you-You'll be my first."

"You m-mean you-you want to--?" He left the question to hung in the air. She nodded yes immediately, a small shade of red covering her cheeks. He breathed. "Okay"

The smile on her face was blinding, rendering him speechless.

He walked further inside the warehouse, enduring the horrible smell. "You sure about this?" He asked not looking behind him but scanning the place.

"Yes, I am." He heard her say. But as he was about to look at her, he felt a sharp pain in his head. Black spots clouded his vision. He is slowly falling to the ground, the gravity pulling him. Soon, the darkness consumed him.


When he opened his eyes, he groaned as his head throbbed from pain. He tried to move his hand but realized that he couldn't. Suddenly, all that happened for the past hour came rushing back to him. His senses are immediately on alert.  He struggled but the tape around his wrist and ankles bound him completely to the chair.

"You're finally awake!" A cheerful voice he knew well exclaimed.

"What is going on?!" He asked taking in his surroundings with wide eyes. Now he knows where the pungent odor came from.

Statues and paintings are surrounding him. But not just ordinary statues and paintings.

Statues of girls' mutilated bodies. Face contorted in terror. Paintings made of what he guessed the girls' bloods and intestines. He had to fight off the bile that is rising from his stomach. The scene disgust him.

"Beautiful aren't they?" She asked, rephrasing the words he used when they first met. "They are my master pieces." She proudly said.

"You're sick!" He spat at her. Her face immediately turn sour.

"Don't judge." She hissed. She shook her head and plastered an eerie smile on her face. "I've never done this to a man before you know. You're my first."

She walked towards him. He just notice now that his clothes were in a pile next to him, near a table covered with a cloth.

"What are you going to do?" He tried to act brave but his facade is ruined as his voice faltered. This made the girl chuckle.

"Don't be scared." She knelt down in front of him, touching his face. She's enjoying the frightened look in his eyes. "It won't hurt." She stood up and removed the cloth in the table. "At least not for long." A sadistic smile plastered in her face.

She picked up a small knife and touched the edges of it. Imagining the things she'll do to it. "You're going to be a work of art. I'll make sure you turn up beautifully."

She started with her work, her new master piece. She started by inflicting several cuts all over his body, creating what look like abstract shapes. His screams filled the room mixing with her sickening laugh. He's hoping someone would hear and help him. But he knew, deep down, that no one will come. Though he tried to deny it, it's a hard slap of a fact. He will die here. Slowly, but he'll surely die and rot in this stinking warehouse. In the hands of this psychotic girl.

After a few days of work, she finally finished her work. He died after a couple of hours, loss of blood maybe. She doesn't care. She stood and took a few step away from her work, examining her first ever male statue. A wide content smile on her face.



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