Uh Hi...

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It was the first day of her new life, new people, new friends, and a fresh start no one will be able to judge her because of past experiences with siblings before her. Walking the halls she accidentally bumped into someone or maybe something, unsure what it was she kept on walking. The person however turned around and looked at her calling out to Ella, the person rush toward her grabbed her shoulder and yanked her so she turned over her left shoulder.

'Hey what's the big deal!' Instantly getting hit with a wave of anger. This is not how she wanted her first day to go. At least not this early.

'The big deal?! The big deal is you bumped into me.' This guy seemed like a real tool. If he wasn't the way he was she probably would have fallen for his brown eyes that seemed to swirl when you looked into them.

'Well excuse me I didn't mean to.' Turning around to leave, the person just let out a long exaggerated sigh.  Going to her first, Ella found the first half of her day pass in a complete blur. Only once did she have to stand up and introduce herself.

At lunch she spent almost the whole time looking for a seat. Finally she decided to go and eat at the outdoor tables. Alone...like always...but she never complained why should she? The thought of people talking to you and genuinely liking her sounded like a horrible thing.

At her old school people avoided her like the plague. It wasn't her fault that her dad did what he did. She didn't tell him too. Getting lost in her thought she hadn't noticed a boy sat down next to her.

'Uh...hi...is it okay if I sit here there's nowhere else. I promise it'll only be me, I don't have many friends.'

Looking at the boy she felt something new. Not like a surge of compassion for the boy but more so pity. 'Sure not like I have tons of people just lining up to sit with me.'

Well that was a new one for me.
Never really like letting my characters live at the
end of the story.

Stupid Crap I Felt Like WrittingWhere stories live. Discover now