Your Story

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   ~(Y/n)'s PoV~

         I was born in a set of triplets. My two brothers were taken by an Exorcist and I was left there only to be taken by my father, Satan, to Gehenna. I spent three years there and from the time I could think clearly to the time I could walk and run I wanted to leave, but I couldn't. A few weeks later I turned three and one of my big "brothers" helped me escape Gehenna saying that if I ever came back I would be trapped there and tortured.

       I ended up in a small village and A woman named (whatever name) found me and decided to adopt me as her own child. She figured out about my father and my powers, so she taught me how to control my flames and how to summon a familiar instead of sending me to the Vatican to be executed or killing me herself.  The familiar looked like a wolf and I named him (f/n).

(Sorry if you don't like wolves)

      Two years later I woke up to my adoptive mother yelling at me to run into the woods. As I did I saw a bunch of people coming towards our hose so I ran the opposite direction, straight into the woods, hearing a gunshot as I ran. I stayed near my house until I noticed that the people were gone and I walked inside, only to find my mom laying on the ground, bleeding out. I ran to her and with her last few breaths she said, " (Y/n), you must know that you have two brothers. A man named Shiro Fujimoto is taking care of them, I love you, (Y/n)."

        I spent the next ten years living in the woods and one day as I was coming into a village for trade, I saw a group of exorcists talking. I caught some of the words they said " Shiro Fujimoto.............heard he died..........True Cross Academy." As I was trading I asked villagers about True Cross and they said it was a school for rich kids. I set out to find True Cross Academy and when I did the principal, Mephisto Pheles, told me about a cram school where I could become an exorcist and I started taking those classes along with normal ones at True Cross.

     A few weeks later I heard people fighting on the roof of the "what I thought was" abandoned dorm and I went up to check it out. What I saw next was surprising. One of the students from my normal and cram school classes was covered in blue flames and I was surprised at first but then I started thinking, 'I may have finally found them.'

      I hid on the roof and when the fight ended one of the exorcist teachers went down the stairs into the dorms bleeding heavily from his arm and I ran up to the student who was named Rin and hugged him. He was confused until I let my flames out somehow making his flames appear too, and I knew they were the brothers I was looking for.

        They let me stay in the dorm they thought only they were living in and since then I've been taking high school classes in True Cross Academy and training to become an exorcist.

This is where our story truly begins.

Oh my god I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to write the next chapter as soon as possible if I see that people have started reading this. Also sorry if this is short I'm sorry I still need to figure out what is considered short and what is considered long.  Bye people!!! *waves*

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