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ethan: you are an actual thigh gap Simon

simon: how am i a- how can a person be a thigh gap?

ethan: you just are

josh: you look like a hole in your face

simon: that's called a mouth Josh

ethan: *laughs*

ethan: you're just a thigh gap

josh: yeah but you eat out thigh gaps

simon: i do? but wait..you say i eat out thigh gaps, does that mean i eat out girls or i- like put cereal in there?

josh: as in you turn a girl upside down and eat cereal out of the thigh gap

ethan: i need a tutorial on how to eat cereal out of a thigh gap.

simon: i don't think it would do well on youtube

ethan: *laughs harder*

josh: it's more like a vimeo thing

ethan: youporn cpm

simon: ooooh that youporn cpm

COW GRAFFITI | GTA Funny Moments | E313

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