Chapter One

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     Robbie faced both of the men in the lounge, his coffee in his hand. He hadn't stirred it yet, distracted by his bubbling anger.

      "Did they? Well, I didn't hear about it..." Sportacus muttered. Robbie would've fought him if they weren't in that school.

      "Of course you haven't! You're clogging up the entire morning show with your sports and things that only require learned skill, not natural talent! We work JUST as hard as you sports players, and we're just as talented! But guess who never gets mentioned! The kids your sporty jocks and such label as nerds and geeks." Robbie preached, before stirring his coffee with a thin straw.

      Sportacus blinked a few times, his gaze lowering to the floor. "Huh..." He muttered, before leaving the lounge to set up obstacles for his students to train with.


      During third block, Robbie awaited patiently as his students arrived. Sometimes in groups of two or more, some alone. One of the students, an energetic, short blonde came up to him. "Mr. Rotten! I saw the morning show in second block, and there was still no mention of us getting into states..." She muttered disappointedly.

      "Amber.." Mr. Rotten sighed quietly. "I'm trying as hard as I can to get us somewhere.. Whether it's on the school bulletin or something like that. We will get congratulated, I'll make sure of it." He gave a small smile to the blonde.

      Amber smiled wide, before seeing Alise and Madison enter the classroom. She rushed to meet up with her friends. The weary director let out a soft sigh, massaging his temples.

      Robbie called attendance when the tardy bell rung. He listed off multiple names, each of them replying with a 'here' or something along the same lines. "Alright! Everyone is here today!" He smiled brightly, submitting the file into the class records. A few people cheered in triumph.

     Robbie stood and walked up to the front of the room, sitting at the piano. "So," he began, "does everyone have their copies of Rockabye?" He asked, hoping they did. All of the students nodded, and Robbie smiled to himself. 'This is why they're my best class..' He thought to himself.

      Everyone retrieved their copies from their bags or folders, and went to surround the piano. "We'll do sectionals tomorrow. We have to really strike our parts perfectly if we want to advance to Nationals." He explained. "Listen you guys, Nationals is going to be difficult. There's going to be a lot of extremely good competition. Watch what other groups do and take note. I bet you guys will do astounding, though."

      The choir chuckled, shining their bright smiles. "Thank you, Mr. Rotten." One student laughed. Mr. Rotten smiled in their direction, nodding his head. "So, basses, tenors, and baritones, let's have you guys first."

      The guys moved forwards to get closer to the piano, as the girls moved back and sat at their seats as they waited for their specific voice parts to be called.

      In the corner, Stephanie and Trixie were talking amongst each other, along with Mari and Ashley. "It's so dumb that we don't get recognized like the sports teams. We've done better and made it so much further these past years- we deserve some respect."

      Mari sighed. "You're right, but the school wont appreciate us. We're the choir nerds, and Mr. Rotten's orchestra are the 'band' geeks." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

     Stephanie sighed. "Well, I have P.E next block; maybe I can talk to the coach of the Lacrosse team about it? Him and I are kind of close..."

      Trixie nodded. "It's worth a try, I suppose, but don't get your hopes up." She muttered. "I doubt we'll get a spot in the morning show."

      Mr. Rotten called the altos and sopranos up next, as the guys fled to their own seats. Mr. Rotten's shoulder twitched, and he looked over at Trixie. "Gum." He stated simply.

      Trixie threw a small fit. "How are you so good at that??" She groaned, moving to spit her gum into the trashcan.

      Mr. Rotten chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You have gum every single day, Trixie. You're predictable. Plus, I know all of your signs that you're chewing gum. I also know that Mari is chewing gum right now."

      Mari's eyes widened, before she slouched in defeat, going to dispose of the chewy candy.

      "Seriously," Stephanie started, "how do you do that?"

      Robbie shrugged. "It must be a sixth sense. Now, open your music to measure fifteen where you guys come in after the guys."

      He played a beautiful major chord on the piano, and examined his student's faces. "You've got your notes?" The ladies nodded, keeping their certain note in mind.

      "Good. Now, one, two, three, four..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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