Chapter 6: The Annual Spring Ball Part 1

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Cinderella POV 👠
Finally, Its the Annual Spring Ball. I thought to myself. Okay students I would like all of you to go home early so you can prepare for tonight's ball.

Thank you and that is all. Class dismissed.

Rose POV 🌹
Yay the ball is tonight. The ball is tonight! I said to myself estatically. "Hawk!" I called Hawk over to talk to him about tonight. "Oh, Hey Rose" Hawk replied. "So what are our plans for tonight?" I asked him while blushing lightly.

Hawk POV ❄
"Oh, Hey Rose" I replied. Uhm, Plans ? I thought to myself. Plans?.... Oh plans
"I guess the Ball starts at 7 right? So I'll pick you up at 6?" "Six sounds great Hawk." She replied smiling to me. "So Rose, I---" I said before I was cut off by Astoria.

Astoria POV 🌱
"There you guys are!, Ive been looking for the two of you everywhere." I said approaching them, Joy and Travis walking behind me.

Joy POV 🐸
"Hey Guys, Hey you havent told us who you were going with tonight yet." I said smiling because I had a feeling they would go together.

Travis POV 🎨
"Yeah you guys told us you would tell the night BEFORE the ball" "That was last night !" "So lets get to it, are you guys going together or what ?"

Rose POV 🌹
Wow. Well is that obvious? I thought to myself looking at Travis. "Well--- Yes, yes we are going together." I told them.

"So are you guys a thing now ?" Astoria asked glaring at me and Hawk. "Astoria!!" I hear Hawk say. "Hey I'm just asking, what's wrong with that?"

"Is it okay Hawk?" I asked him. "Okay for what ?" He replied tilting his head sidewards as a sign that he didn't understand what I just said.

"Will you guys excuse us for a moment? Thanks" I told our team as I dragged Hawks arm leading him towards a nearby bush where no one would hear us talk.

Hawk POV❄
Rose dragged me towards a nearby bush. What does she mean when she said is it okay ? I thought to myself.

"Hawk" she started. "Rose" "Hawk is it okay if I tell the others ?" "Tell them what ?" "Hawk are you serious? You don't know what I'm talking about?!" "Well.....uhm...." "It's about Astoria's question, If we are together" "What about it?" "SERIOUSLY?" "Relax Rose,I'm just teasing you."

"So you're asking if well should tell them now ?" "Yes, It's just that I wanted to get your approval first before I say anything about us" She said blushing lightly.

"It's okay with me, to be honest well." I cut myself. "Its what I wanted to ask you a while ago before Astoria came to us." "Really Hawk?" "Yup, because I wanted to let the whole school to know how much you mean to me" "Aw Hawk, that's the sweeting thing anyone has ever told me." She told me while blushing again but this time you can really see it, she almost looks like a red tomato.

I leaned in close enough that we were only a few inches away. So close that I could kiss her forehead if I wanted too. But I really wanted to kiss her, it's just that---

But what happened next was really unexpected. Rose was the one who kissed me first.

I was shocked but I really loved Rose, so I returned her kiss.

After that we walked back to our team holding hands. I could see Joy and Astoria giggling while Travis was just standing there with his arms crossed staring at us. I felt Rose's hands grabbed my hand harder so I whispered to her ear "It's gonna be alright Rose. I'm always here for you.Don't ever forget that."

Astoria POV 🌱
As I saw them walking towards us holding hands, I just couldnt help but giggle a little. Because let's be honest, I've been waiting for this to happen. I've seen the way Hawk always tries to save Rose everytime she is in trouble and when Rose was so concered for Hawk when he was in trouble.

If you ask me they're really perfect for each other.

"Well that took you guys lnger than expected" I told them elbowing Joy.

Joy POV 🐸
"So guys are yoy a thing now?" I asked them.

Rose POV🌹
I looked at Hawk and he looked at me smiling. I breathed a deep breath and said it together with Hawk. "Yes, we are a couple."

Travis POV 🎨
"Wow, Congrats you guys. " I said tapping Hawk's shoulder. "Well now that they said it. I'm going to the ball with Ling-Ling." "Pumpkin seeds! Congrats Travis" Rose said tackling me with a big hug.

Rose POV 🌹
Hmmmm Astoria and Joy havent told us who their dates are yet.... "Hey Astoria who is your date ? Oh and you too Joy who is it ?" I asked them.

Astoria POV 🌱
"Uhm I uhm... Nobody asked me yet. I was busy all week and sort of forgot about the ball... heh......" I said grabbing my neck. I turned to Joy and I realised she wasnt asked yet too.

"Hey Joy, who do you have in mind ?" "Uhm, I have no idea yet..." Joy said looking worried. "Hey Rose, Is it possible for just me and Astoria go together as friends ?" Joy asked Rose. "I Cant see why not " she replied with a smile.

Whoo now that thats taken care of, I cant wait to prepare for tonight. I thought to myself waving goodbye to my friends.

Vicky POV 🐍
I cant wait to get started on tonight. I thought to myself while I laughed. And quickly hod myself behind the bush I was behind spying on Rose and her friends. I just cant wait to finally take over the Fairytale world and become the greatest evil villain in the world.

"Im so evil Im so awsome" I hummed skipping towards my castle.

Authors Note
Hey guys exactly 1000 words. I know I said I would have updated last week but we had exams and preparations for the moving up ceremony... And I just got asked out to dance on our Graduation Ball. Yieeee Im so excited.

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. To be honest I havent started thinking of a new chapter yet so Id probably update next month. So so sorry for this but I have to make sure its enough for the long wait. Well thats it from me.

So, What is Vicky planning now ? Will she succeed ? What about Hatty ? Anyone still remember him ?

Comment down below for suggestions and well... comments

Bye 😄😄😄

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