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"Do you want me to save you," whispered the earth beneath the man. Her stomach still full from those who fell before him today, she chose instead to play with this meal.

"Yes." A slight haze settled over his green eyes as he answered. Those eyes searched for the source of the words, but there was none. Only a bloody field littered with corpses. He didn't want to believe it.

"You must obey. Will you obey?" The nothingness asked him within the depths of his fading mind.

"Yes," He answered to the dirt. He answered to the silence.

"Kneel for me" He would use his knees as she saw fit. With all of his remaining strength, he brought them crashing down upon the stone and dirt. He awaited her sign of approval, but silence reminded him that he was alone; alone and defeated.

Amidst the remnants of a glorious battle, desperately seeking salvation from dirt and dust, Itasko feared for his life. His strength was fading and the pain was becoming more than he could withstand. Sweet Death and Mother Earth giggled as they teased the departing soul. He obeyed their every command in hopes of stopping the pain, but they were not there and offered no help. There was just Itasko the Defeated and Kokami honored only the strongest.

"Bleed for me", whispered death upon the shoulders of the man. He noticed now that his chest was split wide and pouring forth each drop that she demanded. When did that happen?This was the killing blow dealt by the opponent with a single thrust of his rapier. This must be the cause of the pain and death promised to be the end of it.

His fingers struggled to grasp the wound in hopes of tearing it wider and offering all that his slender body could store. Why couldn't he bleed more? Why couldn't he give her what she demanded? As his heart lost the strength to pump, the offering became nothing more than a slight drizzle. It wasn't enough. As would any disappointed mother, the Earth demanded his hands in punishment.

"Give me your hands." Itasko obeyed the dirt.

Death sat snickering upon his arched back as he dug palm and toe into the dirt. His green hair so heavily-caked with blood that it dare not move in the strong wind stirring dirt around him. He awaited the punishment he deserved, but silence reminded him that he was alone and humiliated.

"Give me your life." Itasko obeyed the silence.

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