[1] Life as a Secretary

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Hey! I have a new stoooory, i'm attempting something a little different to my usual taste. So, try not to be too harsh. If you like it, then I would love it if you voted/commented or even become a fan. Enjoy! :D


Chapter one.

"Kaitlyn! Hurry up! You're going to be late for work" shouted Emily, my little sister and resident annoying person. Usually I was the one screaming at her to wake up, but this morning was one of a kind. As I ran for the door, I glanced at the clock. Shit! I only have three minutes to ready fo- BANG.

"Uggghhhh..." I groaned. I had run into the closed bathroom door. I felt a bump beginning to form on my poor forehead. Smack bang in the fucking middle of it. Wait, I didn't have time for this, I was going to be late for work. I checked the clock, again. Shit. Two minutes to get into the car if I want to be on time. There was no way I was going to be on time. So either wai, it'd be much easier if I just got ready as quickly as possible. This time, I actually walked through the door instead of smashing into it. I could just imagine it, my boss shouting at me for being late. I was never late, never. But he hates it when people aren't on time.

I had a quick shower and hopped out. The cold morning air bit at my wet skin and it stung. I wrapped a towel around me and ran to my wardrobe. I was low on options. I grabbed a pair of Tailored Capris, a nice blouse and a mini blazer. I paired this with a pair of black stilettos. I blowdried my hair and let it dry in loose waves. Grabbing an apple and my one and only Chanel handbag, as I was getting into my car, I wished her a good day at school.

I was an apprentice at a shit downtown law firm. I was working my ass off, but wasn't getting anywhere. My boss constantly insulted me and dumped an assload of work on my desk, and I was starting to get sick of this shit. I walked in as inconspicuously as I could and sat at my desk. I was only Nineteen, but I was strangely smart and graduated quite early. I needed a job quickly so that I could support my little sister and her demanding tuition fees. I had mostly paid for her highschool fees with the money I received from modeling. But I couldn't go overseas for various photoshoots, because of my sister, so I grabbed the first job opportunity at hand. And, that was being an apprentice at a local law firm. I had gone to college and trained to become a Lawyer, this was during modelling. The pay as an apprentice was really shitty, but it was better than working at a fast food joint.

My boss walked in. He was quite a sight (sense the sarcasm). His name was Henry Krouch. He was a balding man of fourty, he had a hunchback and a permanent scowl etched onto his features. He walked around like a vulture, hunting for his prey, I was his favourite to pick on.

He slammed a stack of papers reaching up to my lamp. He smirked an ugly smirk and said, "Proof read. I want them on my desk before the day ends, or else you're fired."

My jaw kind of just dropped without my permission, he wanted me to proof read EVERY SINGLE ONE before I went home at 6? Bullshit. This is all just bullshit. I started to feel anxious, he would fire me if I didn't do this... and he knew I was physically incapable of proof reading all of this shit before 6. He was just trying to fire me. Well, whatever. I might as well give him as much trouble as possible. I entered his office and asked him to stop what he was in the middle of, saying that I would finish it off for him. He raised an eyebrow and told me that I could suit myself. But those papers needed to be done by 5, they were for his case tonight. IF he didn't have then, he wouldn't have any evidence to provide to the Judge. I grinned. Even better. I took them to my desk and sat down and did nothing. The whole day I just did nothing. I sat on my ass and just stared at the computer screen, occasionally stalking people on Facebook. Then, at 5 my boss came out and said he needed his papers. Oh, this is going to be fun.

Life as a SecretaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora