[2] Life as a Secretary

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Second chapter in a day, I think i'm on a roll.

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Shoutout to hamyamy for being awesome and liking my background :D


A couple of days passed, and I had been job hunting like crazy. I decided I wouldn't resort to fast food, it just wasn't enough money. I didn't know finding a decent job could be so hard. I had set up alot of interviews, and the next week would be full of them.

I had just arrived home, I was so exhausted. I was complaining out loud to my little sister, Emily while making her dinner.

"It's so hard to find a job that pays higher than the slave-wage, you have no idea. You're so lucky that you're still in highschool, CHERISH IT, Em! I have like a hundred interviews and i'm gonna be all over the city the next few da-" I rambled, getting cut off my Emily.

"You're so difficult. Why don't you just call that sexy stranger guy and ask him for a job like he told you to do, also like I suggest about a THOUSAND TIMES." Emily said, her head still down staring at the homework.

"Because... that would be very desperate of me." I said, matter-of-factly.

"Well, if you haven't realised. You kind of ARE desperate?" She replied, exasperated.

I sighed. "You know, for a thirteen year old, you have a huge ass attitude. You better watch what you say." I snapped, a bit harsh.

"Shit, what's stuck up your asscrack today? You're not the one that had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn and go to swim training." She said, sarcastically.

I sighed, I seemed to be doing that alot these days. "You're right. Sorry, I shouldn't be taking this out on you. And, i'll give him a call. Here, dinners done," I said, and handed her a plate of lasagne. "Don't stay up too late, sweet dreams, Em." I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

I headed upstairs, it was only 6pm. I walked around with nothing to do when I spotted the card. "Oh, what the hell." I muttered to myself. Might aswell give him a call. They should still be open. I dialled the number and listened to the ringing. I heard the receiver being picked up. Followed by the most annoying voice possible.

"Hello. You've reached J. Alexander Enterprises, how may I help you?" The woman said. Her voice was nasally, whiney and stuck up. I shuddered.

"Uh, hey, um, I'd like to speak to Jase?" I asked.

"Who? Oh! Yeah, one second honey." Said the nasal woman.

I heard my line disconnect for a second then two beeps following by a voice.

"Hello, this is Jason speaking." said a very, very sexy voice.

"Jase?" I asked.

I heard a sharp intake of breath. "Who am I speaking to?" He asked.

"It's Kaity." I said, hoping he'd remember me.

"Kaity, who?" He asked, uncomfortable.

"Uh, shitty day and shitty coffee, sit at the park moping Kaity?" I said, like it was obvious.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Kaity! Sorry." He laughed. "I've been waiting for your call! What took you so long?" He asked.

"Oh, well, i've just been a bit busy." I lied.

"Ah, okay, well were you still looking for that job?" He asked.

"Hm, yeah. If that's okay. I'll take anything that doesn't involve cleaning toilets, serving fast food and doesn't have a slave-wage." I said, chuckling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2010 ⏰

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