Hogwarts AU (Part 7)

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Rowan couldn't help but get his hopes up, he had won the fight after all. But on the other hand, he had beaten the shit out of Aelin's cousin. Which may have put a damper on their relationship, but he had still brushed his hair, showered twice, brushed his teeth twice, and done several push ups before going to the courtyard with Lorcan. 

When he spotted Aelin in the crowd of students flocking the professor, Rowan grinned against his will. And all of Lorcan's disgust was efficiently conveyed in a single eye roll.  But he didn't give a shit, he pushed Lorcan off, and headed to Aelin. 

As Rowan stepped next to Aelin, their shoulders brushed, and she tensed, her eyes darting to him. Thankfully she did not step away, but kept the hair width space between them. It wasn't a thrilling closeness, but comforting and reassuring. Like no matter what, everything was going to be okay. 

He side glanced at her, the smile on his lips becoming gentler, more permanent, as he studied her features. Rowan didn't listen to the professor repeat the same rules she had the year before, and the year before that. He was too entranced with her face to notice. The curve of her nose, the unimpressed slant of her eyebrows, the twitching of her eyes as she struggled not to acknowledge him.  

"How is your cousin?" Rowan said, using the question as an excuse to lean closer. 

Finally Aelin twisted her head to look at him, "Two black eyes, a split lip, and countless other bruises, they've all healed but he's still in enough pain to lay in bed all day. Instead of going out and getting drunk with his mates."

He bit his inner lip. 

She cocked her head to the side, and he knew shit was going to go down, "Tell me, are you proud of yourself?" 

The professor had finished her instructions, and students were beginning to head towards Hogsmeade. Spilling some blood must have boosted his confidence, because he found himself holding out an arm, "I've been told I have loose lips when I drink, care to join?" 

Aelin glared at him. 

Rowan grinned at her. 

"Put your fucking arm down, I'll come but this isn't a date." 

"Two butterbeers please." Aelin said, leaning over the counter. The frothy drinks came minutes later and they brought them over to a small table in the corner, with two cushioned chairs. 

"So?" she asked, crossing her legs. 

Rowan flexed his hands, looking past the surrealism of her sitting opposite of him, "I would have stopped as soon as he asked me to." 

"Why did you think beating the shit out of one another would solve anything?" 

Rowan raised his eyebrows, "First off, it was your cousin's idea, and Second, you knew about it and didn't say anything against it." he paused, leaning back in his chair, "So? What's your excuse?" 

Aelin bared her teeth at him, muttering "Bastard." under her breath. 


She sighed and rubbed her stupidly perfect face, "Aedion wants to know where you learned how to fight." 

Rowan smirked at her, crossing his arms, "I've been training since I was a child. Why? Does he want lessons?"  

Aelin snorted, "Maybe, he's pissed you beat him." 

His foot slid forwards, brushing her leg, "Do you want lessons?" Pinning Aelin on the floor while sparring did sound rather appealing. 

"Please, I could kick your ass." He scoffed, and Aelin moved her leg away, "Don't get me wrong, your fighting was impressive, but... I'm better."

Rowaelin Hogwarts AU (Throne of Glass)Where stories live. Discover now