When you first met them

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You had a really roughday. In the morning, you were at the university and now in the evening you worked at a bar. Usually you really enjoy the work at the bar. The most people were very nice and the other workers were nice too. But now the only thing you wanted was your bed. You walked down the dark street. You're not afraid of the dark. You've seen it.Demons,Vampires,Werewolves and so much more. But you really try to leave it behind you. But just till you finished school. Sometimes when you have enough time,you do a Job. You want to help People. And that's why you do this. You just went over a street,when a car stopped in Front of a Motel. It was a black Chevy Impala. You really like this car. Two men went off the car. One of them was really tall. He has long brown hair and looked really good. But the other one: Damn he'shot. He has short,dark blond hair and a nice face. With a smile on your lips,you walk down to the car.''Nice car...''You smile. The blond man looked at you.''Jeah...It's my baby'' he says. Still with a smile on your face you say:''Very...nice...I'm (y/n) by the way''. He grinned and said:''Dean''.


''Hey Sweetie,wanna try a ride?'' a man with a rude Voice asked. You snort. You know thatyou're not the ugliest girl,but you don't like it,when a man talks toyou like that. You turned around and looked him deadly in the Eye. He wasn't ugly,but an asshole.,,So listen to me...I'm not your sweetie.And if you talk to me like this again,you gonna get in real trouble''you say. He laughed. ''Well...you see....I'm a lot stronger than you.I get what I want''he mumbles. ''Sorry to interrupt you,but I thinkthe Young Lady is my Date'' a nice Voice said. You turn around and look into two,beautiful brown eyes. He has longs brown hair and...he's fucking tall. You smiled at him.''Hey James! You're a bit late''.,,I'm sorry...so...lets go?'' he asks. You nod. You just went some steps away .,,Thank you...?'' you asked.,,Sam...I'm Sam'' he grinned. You gave him your Hand.,,I'm (y/n)''you said.,,So...do you have any plans?''he asks. You shook your head.,,Want some Coffee?''.You smiled and nod.


You know Sam and Dean for a long time.  You just need someone to talk,so you just drove to the Address Dean gave you once. It was a bunker. You grinned. You never thought they have a home one day. You went to the door and knock. Some seconds later the Door was opened.,,(y/n)I haven't seen you since the Werewolves thing in Colorado!''Dean smiled and hugged you.,,I'm so happy to see you alive!''you giggle.,,Yeah...you know...the family business keeps me alive''he said with a pretended smile. He stepped aside an you follow him.,,Hey Sam! Wow...your Hair is so fucking long!''you laughed. The younger Winchester stood up and hugged you.,,How are you (y/n)?''he asked.You stop smilling.,,I had better days...James died,two weeks ago''Yousay. James was a very good friend of you.,,I'm sorry...so...''Dean said. ,,Dean! I have the pie!''a male Voice said. You look up and...,,Who the hell is that?''you ask. He's....pretty. In a really special way. ,,Oh...That's Castiel...He's an Angel''Dean said.,,Well...he looks like one''you grinned.,,And you are?''Castiel.,,My name is (y/n) and I'm a...really,really old friend of them.''you say.


,,Dean! Right behind you!''you scream and try to warn him. The other hunter just turns around and cut off the head of the Vampire. It was the last one.,,I hate them...So much. It's so dirty''you say. Dean laughed.,,God...Is that your only problem?''Sam asked. You nod.,,You don't wash the clothes.,,So with an Angel by your side everything would be easy'' a Voice you never heard says right behind you. You turned around and put your knife on the throat of the man. You look him in the eye.They were gold-brown and a cheeky smile was on his lips.,,Gabriel?You were dead?''Sam says with shock in his Voice.,,Well,Sammyboy...Big men brought me back...So...sweetie...the knife can't hurt me...so put it away'' he says. You start to swear.,,Why didn't you fucking told us?'' Dean asks.,,I'm theTrickster...I planned something great...but...sometimes...things...change'' he says. ,,So...why are you still here?'' You ask.,,Because Sweetie,you still didn't told me your Name'' he grinned.,,(y/n) My name is (y/n).''


You can't understand why people hate Harry Potter. You think it's one of the best books ever.Today you had a really long discussion with a friend of you. You just love it to read and now you're at a bookstrore. You really need a new book. ,,I heard that this one is good'' a Voice behind you said. You turn your Head just to look into another pair of Eyes. ,,Yeah. Did you read it?'' I asked. He nodded. ,,It's about Humans with Angelblood'' he said. You started to laugh.,,Angels are dick''you mumble.,,What?''he asked.,,Oh...nothing''you laugh. Yeah...you know some Angels...and the Devil...oh and don't forget the King of Hell!,,You don't like Angels?''he asks.,,That's not the point...please forget it''you say. He started to smile.,,Okay...and...you like...Thrillers?''he askes. You nod.,,Thenthis one is really good'' he says and gave you a book.,,Thank you...?''you ask and take the Book.,,Chuck! My name is Chuck and yours?''. ,,I'm (y/n)''


You hate rain. It's just wet and cold. Your clothes stick on your body and the wind didn't make it any better. In the next Moment someone bumps into you.,,Son of a bitch''you mumble. ,,A really nasty young women''a Voice next to you said. You look to your side,where a man walks. He wasn't really tall,but...he has something.,,People now days don't say sorry. I don't like that. People should respect each other. Or a train should hit them. In the Face''you say. He started to laugh.,,My Name is Crowley. Do you wanna go on a drink?'' He asks. You check himup.,,Okay...my name is (y/n).''


You work as an Teacher in an elementary school. You really love that Job and the Kids. It was a sunny, Friday afternoon. You just corrected the homework of your Class. You leave the building and feel the warm sun on your skin.,,Hello Beauty''. You turn around. He was cute. You couldn't say anything else. ,,Can I help you?,,you ask. He starts to grin.,,You can gave me your number'' he said. You start to laugh.,, I don't even  know your name!'' you add. ,,Balthazar. My name is Balthazar'' he said.,,Your  luck is,that you're cute''You say and give him your Number.,,Whats your Name,Beauty?''.,,My Name is (y/n).


When you first saw the cute girl in the Library,you don't know what to say. Sometimes you are very shy. So you just watch her like a creep. After a time you try to get a book. But it was to high. ,,Can I help you?'' a soft Voice says. You turn around and look into green Eyes. ,,Yes...That would be very nice''you say. ,,Okay...I was too shy to talk toyou...I don't know why,but you are cute'' You say and your Cheeks turn red. She laughed.,,You're cute too. By the way I'm Charlie'' She says. ,,I'm (y/n)...ehm...you wanna drink something with me?''You ask. She nods very heavily.

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