The second meeting

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It has been two weeks,since you met Dean. You gave him your number and now you hope he calls you. You really liked him. He was different. You think...he maybe has a secret. But you don't know him good enough to ask. And stand in front of an old,destroyed Factory. Some Vamps kill People in your City. And no one kills People in your town. You took your longest knife with you,since you haven't got a machete. The Knife is from your Dad. He died during a hunt. Maybe that's the reason why you won't let it go. You enter the Factory. There should be...two or three Vamps. No big deal. Slowly you walk down the corridor,when you hear some strange noises. You started to run. When you reach a big hall,you just stare at the two men. Dean. And Sam.,,(y/n)! What are you doing here? It's dangerous!''Dean said. You start to laugh.,,I'm a hunter,Dean. I'm not afraid of a fucking Vamp''you say. You don't know why,but you are angry. Maybe you were thrilled to kill the Vamps. Your last hunt's too long. With a sigh you look at the brothers.,,You killed my Vamps! It's been solong...''you wail.,,I'm sorry...but...I know how I can make it up''Dean said with a little smile on his lips.,,And how?'' youask.,,I invite you to a great dinner''he says. You start to smile andyour hearts beats a little faster.

An hour late,both of yousit in a Diner. You ordered a cheeseburger and a salad and Dean ordered two burgers. It was easy to talk with him. He made you laugh..,,So...why don't you stop hunting? I mean...You study...that's great''he says. He sigh.,,I tried...really...but...after my Dad was killed by a Demon...I couldn't stop. The normal People don't horrible this World can be...and I just want to make it brighter...that's...why I stop studying'' You stay. He gazes at you with shocked filled Eyes.,,NO! Don't do that! Hunting will kill you one day...You should study! Do what you want...find a man,get children...but don't hunt. It will destroy you''he says.,,I don't like it...the studying...I'm thinking of killing the next Vamp...or Werewolve. It's my life...I've been raised to kill Monsters''you say. ,,You can come with Sammy and me...If you want to''he says. You look at him.,,Okay...Give me a week to...clear all my things''you say. He nod.,,Thank you,Dean.''you say with a really quiet Voice.,,No Problem, (y/n)''


He's a fucking cute Puppy.You can't say anything else. You went to a little Cafe,after he helped you with the men.,, you live here?''he asks. You shook your head.,,No...not really...I visited an old friend''you say and take a mouthful of your Coffee.,,And you?'' You ask.,,I'm on a trip with my older Brother''he says. ,,That's nice. I don't have any Siblings. I always wanted to have an older brother''You say. He started to grin and you could the,that he loves his brother. After a while he looks along of you.,,There he comes...And with a Friend'' he says. You turn your Head. Both were smaller than Sam. One has dark,messy Hair and blue Eyes,the other one dark blond Hair and green Eyes.,,Hey Sammy...Who's your Friend?''The dark blond Menaks.,,That's (y/n),Dean...(y/n) This is my brother Dean and our Friend Castiel''Sam introduces you. They sit themselves next to you.You talk with them,but you your Eyes always glances to Sam. You like him. There is something special about him. You want to know him. You want to spend time with him.,, you want to go out?'' You ask. He smiles.,,When?''he asks.,,This Evening?''you grin.,,Okay...see you later'' you say and stand up.

,,You look beautiful'' a Voice behind you says. You start to smile. You're wearing a (y/f/c)Dress. ,,You too''you say. He smiles.,,So...what do you wanna do?''he asks.,,I don't know...lets...walk a bit''you say. He nods. It was a nice warm night.,,So...What's your favorite Animal'''he asks. ,,I really love Dogs...There so great''you Say. He smiles.,,I like Dogs too''he says. You talk more and you have very much in Common.,,Hey,,,Can I have your Number...So we can meet again?''he asks. You nod and give him your number.,,Thank you for the was great''you say and kiss him on the Cheek.


You decided to stay a while with the Winchesters. You were in the kitchen,when Castiel shows up.,,Hey Castiel...How are you?''you ask the Angel.  He looked at you.,,You can call me Cas too if you want to. How long do you know them?''he asks. You start to think.,,Oh...The first Time I met them...was when I was 9. Sam was 11 and Dean 15. My Dad went on a hunt with John and I stayed with them. John returnd. But not my Dad. The thing is,my Mother died during a Car accident when I was a Baby. I had no one left. And so John ''adopted'' me. He made me a hunter and I lived with them. I never left Deans side. He was my Hero...and he still is. He saved my from Spiders and boys who laughed at me. He punched a boy,who used me. And Sammy...He's wonderful. He forgets it. He think he's aweful because of all what happend. But the only...bad I...''you say.,,Why? You don't seem like a bad Person'' he says. You sigh.,,I'm not a bad Person..only now...but I...had Problems...I wanted to solve''You say. He looks at you with an elusively Fac.,,You wanna watch a movie?''he asks. In amazement you look at him. Then you start to smile..,,Yeah...That would be really nice!''.

It's Evening. You and Castiel watched three movies. You really start to like him. You explain things in the movie to him. His questions make you smile. And sad. You remeber the old days...with Sam and Dean. When you weren't a fucking bitch,who left her Familiy.,,(y/n) Why are you crying?''Cas asks. You swipe your tears away.,,It's okay...Really...Thanks for asking''you say. ,,I'm not...good in these...human things...but...I feel that you are sad...and I want to help you'' he says. You sigh.,,Maybe...not today''you say.

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