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Ginny's POV

I had waited for about an hour for Hermione, but she still wasn't back and I was HUNGRY!!

I went to grab some food from the Great Hall and than returned to the Gryffindor common room, maybe Hermione had returned by now, but nothing.

I was wondering who could've done that to her, the whole appearance change, because merlin that was a good prank. Even I was shocked and stunned, but who had pranked her?? And was it really a prank? What else could it be?

I sat for a while in the chair before the fire, mesmerized by the dancing flames, when the portrait swung open.

"It took you a while Mio ..." but it wasn't Hermione who had entered the common room.

"Professor Mcgonagall!" I jumped up. "Sorry, I thought you were Hermione" I apologised.

"No need to apologize Miss Weasley" she said.

"May I ask why you are here Professor?" I asked, the teachers almost never came into the common rooms, only when something was urgent, something bad had happened or they were looking for someone.

"Do you know where I can find Miss Granger?" She said.

What did she do! I thought. Or was this about her change of appearance?

"I haven't seen her after she left the dormitory in quite a rush" I answered.

"Well, thank you for your time Miss Weasley, have a good day" she said and left.

Just when the portrait closed I heard Mcgonagall talking to Hermione who had just arrived apparently.

I wanted to go to her and talk about what Madam Pomfrey had said, but because Mcgonagall had been looking for her, I waited for Hermione to come back, which could, again, take a lot of time ....

Time skip

It was after lunch when the portrait opened and I heard two people talking.

I turned around and fell of my chair.

Zabini walked in beside Hermione and they looked very much alike. Very, very, very much.

If Hermione hadn't been my best friend, I think I wouldn't have recognized her.

And the fact that Zabini was in the Gryffindor common room, surprised me even more.

"Hermione Jean Granger! What is this!!?? What happened!!??" I yelled. I wanted answers, NOW.

"It's Hermione Metis Zabini, actually" Zabini said.

"What!?" I yelled confused.

"Ginny, you might want to sit down before we tell you" Hermione laughed.

I sat back down in the chair.

"What about the Hermione Metis Zabini thing? Tell me" I demanded.

"Ginny, don't freak out" Hermione told me, but how could I not?! She looked like Zabini's doppelganger, just from the other gender.

"I'm apparently adopted" she said and I stared at her, my jaw almost touching the ground.


"And my real family, well ...." she looked at Zabini.

"You mean ..." I pointed at Zabini, than at her, repeating this a few times.

"That Hermione is a Zabini, that's exactly what we mean" Blaise grinned. I can't refer to him as Zabini anymore, can I?

"So, he's your brother?" I said and pointed at Blaise.

She's your sister!? |INCOMPLETE|Where stories live. Discover now