Chapter 43: fears and beliefs.

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“What ?!” I exclaimed and the doctor stormed off the Room. I followed him and he made Grayson exit the door quickly and closed the door.

Grayson clearly didn't sleep, I could tell by his red eyes. There was nothing I could tell him to comfort him, I couldn't even comfort myself. This is why I simply sinked on the Floor and started crying my eyes out. He sat, silently, next to me and put an arm around my shoulders and I cried.

Cried during what seemed like hours, cursing at myself for not being as caring like I should've. I couldn't stop..My throat was sore, my heart was aching, I didn't Know what to do. There was nothing you could be doing. I realized how bad of a friend I was, I realized how I never got Thomas' forgivness and never got to spend as much time with Eth as I wanted.

Two beautiful human beings were on their way to Heaven, I believe. Ethan was Grayson's ANGEL and Thomas was Ashley's and my angel.

I shook my head, “why am I using past participle 'was' ? They aren't even dead !” I thought.

But I was still terribly hurting and crying. Crying so much that I didn't realize that Grayson was too..we were a sad couple, crying in the hallways of an hospital, praying God to ask him to let Ethan and Thomas live for longer.

Because I wasn't ready to live without them and Grayson couldn't at live at all, without his brother.

This is when a nurse tapped my shoulder. I looked up and saw a comforting smile on a young woman's face. She had her ginger hair tied up in a bun, “Miss Queen ?”

“Y-yes ?”

“Thomas woke up. We thought you might wanted to see him.” she smiled and I jumped up, “S-seriously ?”

I didn't wait for an answer, though. I ran towards the room 92 and slammed the door open, still crying. I closed the door and saw Thomas, looking exactly like he Did but his eyes were open.

I shrieked, “Thomas !!!”, and made my way to him and hugged him, “Ouch” he groaned and I pulled apart, “S-sorry.”

“C-charlotte..” he whispered, he was weak. His lips curved Up into a smile. I took his hand and caressed it.

“Thomas..Don't worry. We'll get you out of here. Everything is okay. No worries. I knew,” I say crying, “I knew you would make it,” I let out a loud sob, “Don't ever do this shit to me, you listen ? Don't ever do this,” I warn him and I didn't Know if he could understand a word of what I just said because I was crying, while saying this.

He looked at me, “C-Charlotte..”

“Shhh..You don't need to talk.”

“ Charlotte, we don't have much time..” he whispered.

I frowned, “What do you mean ? We have an Eternity. You'll be fine. You'll be completly fine after all of this.”

“Charlotte please, listen..” he said, in his weak voice. He was talking so softly, I had to lean in to understand better what he was saying, “I can barely breathe. I won't be living for long.”

“W-what do you mean ?” I cried, holding his hand, a little bit more intensly. He took his hand away and swiped off my cheeks.

“Don't cry Charlotte. Please. I simply wanted to tell you that I love you.”

“T-thomas...S-shut up. You're not dying.”

“And I forgive you for everything. I forgave you a long time ago, but I simply wanted to wait before telling you. You were and remain one of the most important persons in my life..”he managed to say. I was confused, my heart was beating heavily. I was refusing to believe that we didn't have much time left.

“Thomas..Stop. You're Alive. You'll keep living and then you can go back to hating me” I assure him, tears were still streaming down my face.

“Charlotte...I love y-” He left his phrase like that, unfinished. His eyes stayed open and I heard the machine go off. His heart flat-lined.

You Know, the sound the machine does in the hospital when your heart isn't beating anymore ? That was it.

And at that moment I lost it. I shouted, “THOMAS !!!! DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING. I'M BEGGING YOU !”

After this, everything happened in slow-motion. The doctor and the nurses ran in, I was on the ground, crying. They managed to make me exit the room but minutes passed before I heard a nurse state, “ time of death: 7h32. ”

It was too much for me to take. This couldn't be happening. I ran towards Grayson and took him in my arms and whispered, “He's dead.”

Grayson pulled apart, “What ?! Thomas is dead ?!”

I nodded and he took me in his arms.


We still didn't have any news of Ethan. The tension was unbearable. It must've been 4 hours later or maybe a little bit more. I didn't Know what to think. Should I have hope ?

I guess, I have to because if I don't have any hope, Grayson will think it's over. And I don't want him to think that.

Ethan was having a heart attack. How the Hell is that supposed to end right ?

We were in the reception again, the nurses wouldn't let me near the body or near Ethan. Thomas' parents should be coming very soon.

Grayson finally Fell asleep. His head was on my lap and he was curled up into a ball. I would've thought it was adorable if bigger things weren't keeping my mind busy.

Thomas is dead. It feels like I'll never be able to stop crying, it feels like I'll never be able to smile.

Then, I heard a woman Burst in, “Where's Ethan Dolan ?!” yelled the girl and this voice seemed so familiar. Grayson woke up and we both stared at her. It was Sofía. She was finally here. I stood up and suddendly someone said, “Right here.”

We all looked towards the direction of the voice. Ethan was there, on his feet, well he was using crutches. His eyes were purple but he was alive. He was in front of us.

Sofía ran towards him and kissed him. They kissed with SO much passion, Sofía was crying.

Grayson and I ran towards them and we hugged them. This was surreal. Ethan was alive, he was there.

We were all crying. In the middle of the reception. I hugged him again when we All pulled apart, “Oh god. Ethan, we thought...We thought...”

“I'm fine, Charlotte. I'm fine.” he assured me. Then, Grayson hugged him, “Ethan. Don't ever do this shit to me again. Fuck. Ethan..” Grayson started bawling loudly,“ Ethan. You're Alive.”

“I won't leave you anytime soon, Grayson. I'm here.”

He pulled apart, “I woke up 2 hours ago and I asked the doctors to not tell you guys anything. I wanted to come down myself. God, Sofía..I missed you”

“I-i missed you too. When the hospital called me, I hopped in the first plane here and I..I thought you..” Sofía looked down. I hugged her, “It's okay. He's finally there.”

Ethan smiled, “Where's Thomas ? I'm so glad we made it. We won't be doing anything like that anytime soon.”

Grayson and I looked at each other.

“What's wrong ?” asked Ethan. We stayed in silent,“He..He isn't up yet ? Guys, tell me. He's my best friend. I should know.”

“Ethan, i'm sorry.”






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