Chapter 2

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(Lillian's POV)
I did not wanna go home. For me home is hell. I saw Zack by his locker. "Hey Zack do you have a moment?" I ask walking to his locker. "Yeah I do. What's up honey?" He asked looking at me. "I was wondering if you could take me home? My dad isn't here at all and he probably won't be." I say looking at him. "Sure. Lets go." He said taking my books and my hand and walking hand to his car. I follow him and sigh knowing my dad won't be picking me up at all. "Okay lets get in and go. You can tell me where you live." He said hopping in and helping me in. I nod and tell him.

(Zack's POV)
I'm getting ready to leave and my girlfriend comes over and asks me to take her home. I don't blame her. After the day she had and what she told me about her father I really don't trust anyone. So I agreed to take her home and she seemed relived. I drove to her house and saw how old and small it was. "Thank you Zack I'll see you tomorrow." She said grabbing her books and kissing my cheek and hopping out of my car and sprints to the door where her mother I suppose was waiting for her. I drive down the road slowly just in-case I need to take Lillian to my house. I heard screaming and pounding coming from her house. I then see Lillian rush out of the house with a bag of her clothes and her covered in bruises and tears. I stop and help her to my car and drive off quickly to my house.

(Lillian's POV)
The moment I got out of Zack's car I knew something was up when I saw my mom standing at the door. I rushed in and hear the door shut behind me then my mom stepped in front of me. "Who was that boy? Your father was suppose to pick you up. You never listen do you brat!" She yells at me and smacks my face. "Mom dad wasn't going to pick me up. That boy was my friend and Steady and his name is Zack. I do listen. I have to listen and put up with yours and dads shit every fuckin day!" I yell. That did it for my mom, she pushed me against the door hard and kicked me and smacked me and threw my bag with the only clothes I owned. I started to cry and grabbed my bag and ran out of the house and to Zack's car as my mom started to yell and curse at me. I get in and he drives off to his house.

(Zack's POV)

Once we were away from her house and close to mine I pulled over and tilted her head to face me gently and see her face. "What happened Lillian?" I asks looking at her concerned. She takes a breath and tells me everything. "Awwww sweetie." I say hugging her gently. "S-she I-is g-going t-to se-send m-my d-dad o-out t-to r-rape m-me a-and t-then k-kill me." She stutters. "No he won't I'm going to keep you safe." I say driving into the drive way and help her out and grab her bag and books then take her inside. "MOM I'M HOME!" I call. My mom steps out of the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks and stares at Aalya. "Zack who's this? And what happened to the poor girl?" she asks running to her. "Mom this is the new girl Lillian and she's my girlfriend." I say holding her against me. "Awwwww honey what happened?" She asks talking to Lillian. I set Lillian's stuff on the floor and shut the door. "I-I f-fell o-on the f-floor." She says lying. "No you didn't Lillian. Tell her what happened. It's okay she wont hurt you believe me I've tested it." I say rubbing her back. Lillian sighs and tells her. "Awww honey, lets get you cleaned up and situated. Zack, take her stuff to your room she'll be spending the night in there." She said taking Lillian's hand. "Okay mom, its okay." I said reassuring her. Lillian follows with out hesitation and goes with my mom to get cleaned up.

(Lillian's POV)
I follow Zack's mom up to the bathroom. She seems nice and I'm glad I'm safe with Zack. Once we were in the bathroom she grab a wash cloth and wet it with warm water and gently patted it on my face. I winced but then relaxed. "I don't think I've ever seen a young woman like yourself so bruised and broken." She said finishing up. "No one really has." I mutter. "Well don't worry everything will be fine now. When my husband gets home he'll take care of everything." she said gently. "NO! No one can know! MY PARENTS WILL KILL ME!!!!!!!" I yelp scared. "Lillian honey we need to tell the cops. It's not a healthy and safe environment to grow up in. Plus your in danger. Everything will be alright." She said stroking my hair lightly. "No we can't tell anyone. Not yet anyways. Please." I beg her tearing up. "Okay but if it gets worst we are calling the cops." She says. "Thank you so much Mrs. Morris." I say smiling small. "Your welcome, now come on lets, go get you situated in my sons room." She said walking me to Zack's room. I walk in and see it's actually clean. "Wow this is a clean room especially for a boy." I say looking at Zack's room. "Yeah, I can keep this clean." He said walking to me and hold my hand. "Okay here is the scoop, Lillian you can sleep on the bed and Zack you can sleep on the floor and no monkey business you two. " His mom said. "Don't worry mom we won't do anything." He said smiling at me. "It's true Mrs. Morris. Zack knows better with me." I say rubbing my arm. "Alright you two I let you two rest." She said leaving. I sit on the bed and cross my legs again. "This is a nice room Zack." I say looking around. "Thank you. So do you wanna study? You hungry? I can go make us a snack." He said sitting next to me. "I like that idea. Sure we can study and have a snack." I say looking at him smiling. "Okay I'll be back in a minute." He said standing and leaving shutting the door behind him. I stand and walk to my bag and change into a pair of Athletic shorts and a pink tank top and sit down again and wait for Zack to come back. He walks in and hands me a glass of tea. "Thanks." I say smiling slightly. "Your welcome. Were you wearing that when you came?" He asks. "Uh no I changed into something more comfortable. It helps me study." I say fixing my tank top in the back. "Okay. Lets study then." He said smiling but frowns seeing the huge dried cut on my arm. "Where did this come form?" He asks pointing to the scar. "This is actually from a little fight I got into with one of my ex best friend last year. Beat that girl senseless." I say looking at the scar. "Really? You are really strong. Just look at those muscles." He said touching my arm lightly. "Yeah I know." I say laughing slightly. "If your that strong why didn't you stand up to your parents?" He asked. "Ummmmm. Lets start studying." I say changing the subject and grab my books and open them. "A-alright. I'm sorry if I upset you." He said grabbing his books and opening them. "It's fine. Lets just study." I say shaking my head. "I don't believe it. Zack Morris studying. Hah. The world has turned upside down." I hear an all to familiar voice say. I turn around and see the girl who was rude to me today. "What do you want Jessie?" Zack asks a little annoyed. "Nothing, I just wanted to see who you had in your room. Looks like no one important bye." She said smirking and climbing out the window. I turn back around and look down at my socks and sigh sadly. Zack stands up and shuts his window locking it. "I have no idea what's wrong with her. Don't listen to her okay. She's a crazy loon." He said sitting closer to me and rub my back gently and taking the tea out of my hand. "Why does she hate me so much?" I ask looking up at him. "I don't think she hates you. She's just a crazy chick that believes in women's right." He said rubbing my back still. "She has no idea what I'm going through." I say sighing and rubbing my arm. "I know, but she will come around. Are you cold?" He asks grabbing his sweater and wrapping it around my tiny figure. "Thank you." I say slipping my arms into the sleeves. "Now can we study or are more people going to come through the window?" I ask looking at him. "No we can study." He said opening our books. We start studying and laughed the whole time.

(Zack's POV)

Seeing Lillian laugh was a great sign for me to know that I can make her laugh if she's upset. "Okay enough studying for right now. What do you wanna do?" I ask her smiling. "I don't know. This is the first time I can act like a normal teenager." She says shrugging. "You said you danced. Right?" I ask. "Yeah, what about it?" She asks. "Well I was wondering if you would like to dance with me." I say standing up holding my hands out. "You serious? Now?" She asks looking at me like I'm crazy. "Yes now." I say turning on some music and pulling her up from the bed. "Oh Zack I haven't danced in two years." She groans smiling as she stands up. "Don't worry I can teach you." I say pulling her close to me. She smiles and leans against me. "Alright, show me. Mr. Morris." She said teasing me smiling. "With pleasure Miss. Johnson." I say starting to dance with her. "Wow your really good." She said shocked at my skills. "I know." I say smiling and dancing with her. "I hope you two are done with your homework and studying." My mom said behind us. "Yes mom." I say looking over my shoulder at her. "Okay, when you two are done dinner's ready. I really don't know what you like Lillian so I cooked everything I thought of." She said smiling at us. "Thank you so much Mrs. Morris." She says smiling. "Alright have fun you guys." My mom said leaving and shutting the door. I look at Lillian who's focus was at the window. "What?" I ask her still dancing. "Nothing just thinking." She said as I spin her around and smiles at me. "Okay." I say still dancing with her. "Your a really good dancer Zack." She said after we finished. "Thank you. Your better then me though." I say smiling. "Ready to go eat?" I add. "Yeah, lets go." She said grabbing my hand and walking out with me downstairs to the dining room where my parents were sitting. "Hey mom, hey dad." I say pulling a chair out for Lillian and then sitting next to her. "Hey son. So your mom was telling me about your girlfriend." He said looking at her nodding. "Yes dad. Lillian this is my father." I say introducing her to him. "Hello Lillian, you can call Mr. Morris." He said nodding. "Hello Mr. Morris." She said shyly. "Okay lets eat." My mom said standing and getting the food. My father helps her and we start eating. Lillian stays quiet through dinner which worries me kind of. After dinner Dad went upstairs to his office to work, Lillian helps my mom clean up the kitchen while I do the dishes. Once we are done with cleaning Lillian and I head up to my room to just relax. "Lillian is everything alright you seem a little distracted." I say sitting next to her on my bed. "I'm just still adjusting a bit." She said smiling at me gently. "You sure? You just seem frightened." I say gently stroking her cheek gently. "I'm sure." She said hitting me with a pillow laughing. I smile and hit her too which then turned into a pillow fight then a tickling match. "Alright you two time for bed." Mom said coming. "Alright mom." I say standing up and kissing her cheek then get my bed ready. "Must you sleep on the floor?" She ask crossing her legs and looking down at me. "Sadly my dear yes." I say looking at her. "I don't like sleeping alone Zack. I'm scared." She said sadly. "Awwww honey." I say standing up and hug her. "Let me go get changed and talk to my parents." I say letting go and grabbing my clothes and kissing her head then leave for the bathroom and change then walk to my mom and dads room. "Mom, Dad?" I ask knocking on their door. "Come in honey." I hear my mom say. I walk in taking a breath. "I just came in here to say goodnight and ask if I can sleep next to Lillian." I say looking at them. "Goodnight Zack. And I'm sorry no." My dad says. "Goodnight sweetie and why do you wanna sleep next to her?" My mom asked. "She's never slept alone before and she's scared." I say looking at them waiting for an answer. "Oh. I'm sorry but the answer is still no." They say. I nod and leave shutting their door and head back to my room and see a sleeping Lillian sprawled across the bed. I chuckle and lay her on her side and then cover her up and turn of my light and crawl into bed next to her and hold her gently. She snuggles into me. "Did they say you could sleep with me?" She mutters into my chest. "No but I don't really care right now." I say stroking her hair gently smiling. She smiles and stops talking. I hear soft purring signaling that she was asleep which makes me smile knowing she was safe making me fall asleep knowing she's safe.

(Hey guys chapter 2 is up. Hope you enjoy. The picture at the top is Zack's bedroom. -Ashlee

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