Part 1: No Way Out

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This story is written in first person and will contain scenes of gore and sensitive content. Please be advised.

Character Detail:
Name: Rose
Age: 7
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 3 1/2 Ft.


- Location - Staints Row -Home -

Rosey! I heard a faint call coming from my home recognizing mommies voice most likely calling me to dinner.
"Coming!" I answered back getting a reply that I had five minuets. Standing up I smoothed the worn white dress I had on, admiring a  black rose I found eairlier watching it sway in the cool fall breeze, we didnt have many flowers grow here in the outskirts of Saints Row expecially my favorite kind of flower, more so because I was named after it. "A flower of many meanings" mommy always told me love, purity, and in some cases death.
Turning on my heels I quickly made my way back to the house, living in the outskirts of Staints Row as I said before had its perks one being I had grass, and trees to play around thats all that mattered to me. "Mommy!" I called out running into the back door excited knowing dinner ment daddy was home from work, but something wasent right.
"Mommy... Daddy..." I said again hoping to get a response but to no avail, only seeing a dim light from the kitchen slowly I approched the turn into the kitchen.


The shock of the sudden object against the wall next to me knocking me back on my small bottom, the horror of the thrown object in question making my blood run cold. Staring at me was the crushed and mangled remains of my mother, one eye hanging from her skull by the connecting nerve, blood oozing from her near unrecognizable face.  "Olivia!" My father said falling towards mommies body in a sad attempt at running, tears and blood running down his face. My frightened voice making him snap his head up. "D- daddy are you okay?" His eyes widened. As he was about to speak his head blew in to pieces covering the area in blood, bone, and brain matter. I dont know why but all I could do was stand there even as a red glowing eyed omnic rounded the corner. Its feet crushing through my mommies body like a hot knife through butter. It was when the nightmarish omnic started to move again towards me that my legs started to move, sending me down the path I came from when I first came home. The omnic would have caught me by now I know for sure but its foot was stuck in the body of my mommy halting his advances, but I could here it coming. Thinking quickly I made my way up a oak tree hugging as much of the main trunk as possible holding my breath as the omnic drew near.
Crack, snap, crunch
The noises stopped right below me I could still see the red eyes searching the area. Now the world around me was darkening... Silent, and cold... So very very cold, my breath ghosted up into the sky with each exhale.
After what seemed like hours of me gripping the tree and my legs going numb the omnic whirled back to life taking one last look around before heading off in the opposite direction towards the inner city of Saints Row, only when the crickets, frogs, and other signs of wild life started to come alive is when I decided I was safe for now.  Attempting to scoot my bottom off the branch was my first mistake as anything from my waist down went numb for various obvious reasons. Why didnt I put on what mommy said to, I said to myself as I heard yet again
Next thing I know im on the ground the wind knocked out of my already burning lungs, pain instantly registering in my arm fighting back the urge to cry out I push myself up and make my way back to the house hoping all this is a dream. I fell from the tree and hurt myself, oh how I wish it was a dream. Entering my home the rancid smell of blood and whatever else hit my nose, thankfully the room was dark and all I could see were the mangled outlines of mommy and daddy... It was all I needed to know I wasent dreaming, now backing up the stairs slowly going to my room to avoid the scene that was now playing over in my head.
When I got in my room and piled my toy box and numerous amounts of objects against the door that seemed heavy to my small form is when the realization hit me. I was alone mommy and daddy wouldnt wake up and there was noone that would come, at this point I sank down next to my bed crying in heaving sobs not caring if im heard anymore. Let the monster come get me, let him come... I must of cried for hours till I passed out from pain or exaughtion cradling my swelling and bruised left arm. Only being welcomed by nightmares till a sound outside my door woke me from my sleep...

So this is the first story I have done in a long time. I am hoping ya'll like it. :)
Feel free to comment. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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