The Itch

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You feel that itch
Oh, that horrible itch
It feels oh so good to scratch it

You wake up
That itch isn't there anymore
But now there is blood on the sheets

Everytime you listen you shake
Everytime you try to meet people like you
You can't escape

You're so confused
All the walls are black
You see a light but to turn it on you have to die

Your glasses are broke
You see monsters in your face
You don't understand

You feel that itch
You scratch it
Harder and harder

You feel like a monster
You began to grow claws
Why can't you do what you love without the blood

You have scars
And you tear them open just for a taste of joy
You don't understand

You want it to end but it feels so good
Your chest is freezing so you light yourself on fire
I don't know why I always come back

It feels so good to rip up your skin
"It is just a itch"
"Just dont scratch it"

I hear the echo of their voice in my head
I try so hard but the scars appear anyway
My skin peels off

So why do I scratch it?
I scratch it so atleast i can enjoy the scars
Atleast I can feel some relieve through the pain

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