Part 1

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Itay's POV:

It was late at night when I took a trip to the local grocery store to find a couple midnight snacks. I stalked up and down the rows of chip bags and snack packs, the growls from my stomach echoing in the quiet air. I was hungry enough to eat a little of everything in the store; cookies, pizza, donuts, ice cream, pasta, chips, crackers, cake... Why did I think it was a good idea to go shopping on an empty stomach?

As I walked past the darkened bakery section of the store, I stopped suddenly and twitched my tail in alarm. My ears swiveled as I strained to locate the source of the rustling noise that had caught my attention. I could make out a shadowy form with pointed ears and a bushy, dripping tail sitting in the dark near a shelf in the back. The figure disappeared in an instant. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

A slimy, tan colored paw grabbed my leg and I yelped in fright as I was dragged into the darkness. The more I struggled, the tighter it wrapped itself around my arms and legs as it pulled me up against a wall in the back.

"What the - ungk?!" I grunted when a column of slime shoved its way into my mouth and began to pour down my throat. I was forced to rapidly swallow the semi-sweet liquid as it washed down my gullet all at once.

Mmm, oh my god this is sooo good. Is this caramel? I thought. It's delicious, but it's too much. It's too...much... My eyes rolled back in my head as the caramel sloshed into my belly. With every gulp, I could feel my stomach stretch to accommodate the influx of thick liquid, and the pressure made me moan. I breathed hard through my nose and gulped down every helping of caramel that gushed down my throat.

I was filling up fast, but I welcomed the feeling. When my knees buckled beneath the weight of my growing belly, I surrendered and sank to the floor. I'm getting so it ever going to stop? I thought to myself as I mindlessly swallowed another round of caramel goo.

When I was securely anchored to the ground, I felt the slimy creature release its grip on my arms. I immediately lifted my paws to my swollen belly and rubbed it deeply, moaning in relief. I was free to get up and even run away if I wished, but I had no desire to move. I'm already too full to move and it's not even slowing down! I'm not sure how much more of this I can take...ohh, my belly's getting so big...

I squeezed my eyes shut tight and let out a few muffled groans between rough swallows of liquid. I drank until my shirt was stretched taut across my bloated belly, but the creature showed no signs of slowing down. Stop! Oh please stop. I begged. I can't drink anymore, I'm...I'm too full. My tummy's starting to hurt.

Soon enough I was so full I felt I could burst, and the flood of caramel pouring down my throat finally slowed to a stop. The slimy tendrils pulled away from my legs and retracted into the shadows, but I could sense the thing watching me from around the corner.

For a while all I could do was sit and burp. When I opened my eyes, my gaze was immediately drawn to my huge, caramel-filled tummy.

"Ohhh..." I tilted my head back and let out another huge burp before I licked the excess caramel from my lips. "Mmm...oh fuck I'm...s-so full." I moaned. My breathing was heavy and labored as I rubbed my paws across my bulging belly, marveling at how overfull, tight, and sensitive to the touch it felt beneath my finger pads. Although I was already chubby to begin with, my stomach had nearly tripled in size and was spilling over the tight belt at my waist.

I smacked my lips and let out a squeal of a hiccup. "Mmmmm..." I caressed my belly with both hands as my eyelids began to droop and I succumbed to the heavy sensation present in my paws and tail.

I burped again and patted my stomach when it gurgled loudly beneath my paws. Completely satisfied with a nice full tummy, I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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