The Interview

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Sue opened the door, "Dan? Phil?" she called out into the apartment.

"What is it, Susan?" Dan replied from the lounge. Sue turned the corner and ran down the stairs to the lounge. Susan gestured at the outfit she was wearing.

"Is this business causal?" She asked the boys. Dan and Phil looked at the black dress she was wearing, with a black cardigan, and black boots, then looked at each other.

"Well, it's black, so I like it" Dan says with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Yes, Susan. That is business casual. Why?" Phil responded after his attention was taken back to his laptop screen.

"Well, I have a job interview tomorrow at 1:30 at a call center. They told me to dress business casual. I wasn't exactly sure what they meant." Sue responded looking at the boys sitting down in the blue dining room chair. Phil looked back at Sue.

"You got an interview tomorrow? Congratulations!" Phil said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm pretty nervous. I know it's stupid, but I am." Sue said as she looked at the ground.

"Don't be nervous. You got this." Dan said to reassure Sue. Sue smiled as she got up, said goodbye to the boys and headed up to her room to change. Sue changed, flopped on her bed, opened up her laptop, and typed into her browser. Like always, she lost track of time. She looked up at her clock and realized that it had been 5 hours. Sue walked down the stairs, and poked her head in the lounge and saw Dan in the same position he was in 5 hours ago.

"Hey Dan, I'm going to make some dinner, do you want any?" Dan looked up at her and nodded with a smile on his face, "I assume Phil is making a video?" She asked him, "Will you ask him if he wants any? I'm going to start cooking." She said as she headed to the kitchen. Sue grabbed a pot, filled it with water, and placed it on the stove.

*BING* Sue pulled her phone out of her pocket to see that Phil had texted her, "I would love some dinner." She smiled and put her phone back into her pocket.

The water finally started boiling and Sue placed the noodles in the water. After the noodles were about half cooked, she put some sauce, chicken, and corn in another pot to warm up. As she stirred the noddles, then the sauce, Dan walked into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine.

"Here" Dan said and he handed her the glass, "I know you love wine, so I thought I'd just pour you a glass." Sue thanked him and took a sip and smiled. Dan and Sue talked until dinner was ready. Dan carried the dishes and the food to the table as Sue went into Phil's room to let him know dinner was ready.

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Sue opened the door to Phil's room

"Hey, dinner is ready." She said with a smile.

"Perfect. I just finished filming." Phil said as he turned off the camera and the lights. Sue turns around and Phil followed her to the dining table. Dan was sitting in the orange chair, Phil sat in the blue chair, and Sue sat in the grey chair. Dan, Phil, and Sue laughed and talked until all the food was gone. By that time is was very late. Sue got up, grabbed the dirty dishes and took them into the kitchen. After finishing the dishes, Sue headed up to her room.

"Goodnight!" She shouts at Dan and Phil.

"Goodnight!" Dan and Phil shout from their separate rooms. Sue got to her room, plugged in her laptop, slipped into bed and scrolled through tumblr until her eyes were too heavy to keep open.

Sue woke up to her alarm at 10am. She squinted her eyes as the sun shone into her room. She looked at her phone, debating if she wanted to snooze. Her finger hit the snooze button as her eyes shut once more.

Her alarm went off again. She slowly pulled the covers off, sat up, and put her feet on the floor. Sue brushed her hair out of her face as she sighed. Reaching for her brush she got up and walked to the mirror on the back of her door. After brushing her hair, she jumped into the shower. Susan had such finicky hair that she had to brush her hair before she showered or it would just be a nightmare to brush when it's wet. After her shower, she threw on an old t-shirt and some shorts and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. Being distracted with thinking about her interview, she ran into the kitchen door with a smack.

"Susan?" Phil called out, "Are you alright?"

"I'm good!" Sue responded and she opened the kitchen door and slipped inside. Rummaging through the cabinets, she grabbed a cup and poured Crunchy Nut cereal into the cup. She poured milk into the cup, grabbed a spoon, and walked into the lounge to find Dan and Phil watching anime. She sat down between the two of them and started to watch.

"Susan, is that my cereal?" Dan said, looking at the cup then up at Sue.

"Oh, yeah. Dan, can I eat some of your cereal?" Sue said with a mouthful and without a second breath she said, "Cool, thanks" Dan rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the TV. Phil burst out laughingm almost dropping his pancakes. Sue finished her cereal and left to go get ready for her interview. After getting her clothes out of the closet, she threw them on, put on a little make up and headed back to the lounge.

"What do you guys think?" She said with a smile.

"That looks great!" Phil said, "Are you ready?"

"I am ready and prepared for my interview" Sue said with confidence, "But can you ask me an interview question, just in case?" Phil started typing on his laptop.

"What is your greatest strength?" Phil asked Sue.

"My greatest strength is my work ethic. I am hardworking and always determined to do my best." Sue responded.

"That was a great answer!" Dan exclaimed, "Do you have your ID?"

"Yes, it is right here" Sue said as she pulled out her ID. She looked at phone, "Okay, I got to go if I'm going to make it on time." Dan and Phil both stood up and gave her a hug for good luck. She got a uber as she walked down the stairs.

"Enjoy filming a gaming video today, guys!" She shouted as she left the apartment and grabbed an umbrella.

Sue got out the uber, opened her umbrella, took a deep breath and walked inside.

"Hi, I'm here for my interview at 1:30." Sue said with a smile.

"Susan?" The receptionist asked and Sue nodded, "Alright. Have a seat and your interviewer will be with you shortly."

"Thank you" Sue said as she sat in one of the black chairs. Looking at the clock, she calmed down knowing she was there at 1:12pm. Time seemed to go slow for Sue. Every 30 seconds seemed like 30 minutes.

"Susan, what is your availability?" The receptionist asked while her eyes were still fixated on her computer screen. After Sue listed off her availability, the receptionist sighed and said, "Well we have training from 1-10 every day for six weeks and if you can't attend the training there is no point in even being interviewed." Sue was surprised to hear this.

"I only have one conflict on Mondays. I could be here at 3:30 or 4 that day." Sue said while fighting back tears.

"Here is my number. Once you can attend the training, we will reschedule your interview." The receptionist handed Sue a sticky note.

"Thank you" Sue said and turned to go out the door, leaving her umbrella. She ran through the rain until her feet hurt too much. She stopped to take off her shoes and then continued to run home. Soaked from the rain, muddy feet, and puffy red eyes she walked up to the apartment door. She fumbled with her keys, unlocked the door, walked into the apartment, and started sobbing even harder. Phil poked his head around the staircase to find Sue sobbing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Susan? What happened?" Phil said as Dan came down and poked his head out.

"I...I...I can't......attend" She said between sobs. She started to walk up the stairs slowly, "They told me that there was no point in being interviewed if I couldn't attend the training." She sobbed. She finally reached Dan and Phil and sat on the ground, not being able to walk any farther. Phil picked her up and carried her to her bed. He laid down next to her while she cried into his shoulder and told him what happened. Phil stayed with her until she cried herself to sleep.

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