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"I ignited every bit of my soul, my strength to make up with the loss that you had caused. I chased redemption, hunted for solace and poached my sins that made you even more passionate than my sin and you left me forever in a pool of tears. My sin was that I loved you. I was euphoric on your arrival, senseless in your arms, lost when you sat beside me and on your departure, I'm nostalgic and crestfallen, fallen even below the bowels of earth. I did shed tears of blood to make you stay. Those tears left sanguineous stains on my cheeks that'll stay until the Doom's day. Even if I cross the great divide the scars on my soul will breathe up to the day when each breath on this earth will expire. When I try taking to the street and face the world, I encounter a sea of heads and faces that glare at me quietly but say a thousand words in one look that churn my broken pieces to powder, making me even more incapacitated.
Am I that ugly that people make even uglier looks while they look at me with cold eyes and cold sense of humour. It hurts. You say I smile, you say that I am okay with my life but you took a glimpse of only this in me? Did you not observe what it meant when I used to chase you like dogs do? The smile you see is a sarcastic curse from the Gods and you say that I don't love you? Bullshit!
If you see me only smile but not cry after your hurtful departure it does not mean that I don't love you. I have just given up the world and walked on the path of my destiny so quietly that you cannot see my tears but my smile which is just a token of my strength of standing up against your sin of leaving and hurting me so damn deep that you too couldn't measure the depth of your act(your act of leaving me I meant).
The sky may fall, the heaven may go dirty, the northern star may become inconstant, but I am sure as the death of every living being that you will come back to me to beg apology because certainly you will realize that there is none in the world that loves you more than I do."

This was Bella Swift of Wooden Hill School. This was Bella Swift a 16 year old teenager. This was Bella Swift who was cursed to stay away from happiness.
But she was certain to the core that she wass not that bad to deserve such a state in her teenage.
In the street 7 of Zaika drive, New York, she was the most stunning girl for whom guys cried to be the boyfriend of. All girls here around were sought of a nonentity but yet Bella didn't have any sense of pride for being the most wanted girl among boys of her city. As she had lost her heart to only one who too loved him once but she never knew in which fissure of the earth he had lost. Now she started living with a motive to see 'him' back again. But how?
She  lived with her parents who were over possessive for her, she lived in a city where her parents were famous economists and  every other man on the road recognised the name of her  parents. She respected them from heart so she didn't want to indulge in doing something really crazy that would make her parents even crazier and their established reputation fell down to zero.
Bella was just waiting for a wind to blow that would take her to 'him'. At night when entire New  York was in the clutches of sound sleep, she was awake crying out her lungs and burning with love.
Destiny was all she asked for!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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