Chapter 2

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(Above is Zephyr. Chapter 1 was Kaen)

Zephyr looks at Faylinn with a questionable look. "What?" Faylinn demanded, her milky white hair flowing around her like it was alive.
"How was Kaen?" Zephyr smirks as her face goes red.
"He's fine. He's already gone to guarding the gate." Faylinn grumbled and walked away. "I need to go back to work Prince Zephyr. If the lead maid sees me I'm doomed."
Zephyr huffed a laugh and walked over to the large window to watch Kaen, who is asleep but standing up. Zephyr sighed out his nose and walked out. Kaen needs to get his head around things.                  


Kaen felt a jolt of pain when he fell over. He looked up to see Zephyr smiling. "Just because you helped me. It doesn't mean I like you."
Zephyr's smile disappeared as his facial expression goes blank. "Why do you hate Humans so much?"
"Reasons you don't need to know." Kaen bit back the barking off at him.
"Is it something to do with you being the last of your kind?"
"Shut up?"
"Is it something about you coming here at a young age?"
"Tell me then. Please." Zephyr pledge.
Kean got up and went back to guarding, his face paled as memories flicked through. "I-I can't."
Zephyr nods, sad that his friend is mysterious. "Ok then."
Kaen put a hand on Zephyr. "Thank you." Zephyr just nods and walked away.

"You must know son. As a Ukobach his memories can't be told." The Lord advised his Crown Prince. His old wise eyes where bright as ever. He must be happy. "They only tell the people closest to them. Maybe Faylinn knows."
Zephyr looks away, his pale blue eyes focused on Faylinn, she was talking with his mother. "Maybe father."
His father huffed a laugh. "She should know. Lady Faylinn, our maiden, is Kaen's Mate. Maybe Soul Mate." His father turned towards Faylinn too. Faylinn's smile was soft and her black eyes seemed to be alive. "Miss Faylinn."
"Father." Zephyre whispered.
"Hush son."
"Yes mil' Lord?" Faylinn's smile turned into a smirk.
"Do you know anything about Kaen?" Zephyr stiffened at his father’s words. Faylinn's expression was worrying but she kept her courage.
"L-like what?"
"His past? Why he dislikes humans?" The questions to the Lord seemed to be nothing but gossip.
"All I know is that he is an Ukobach. The last of his kind." Faylinn admitted. It was true, as an Alp, Zephyr knows if someone is lying.
"Thank you Faylinn. You're dismissed."
Faylinn nodded and walked away. Her white hair, braided back with flowers, seemed to dance with each step.


Kaen watched as three men on horses’ approached him. Two of them lacked a little, guards. The one ahead must have been in a noble bloodline. The leading one came up to Kaen, "I am Prince Angelos from Aeptin. We're here to see the Lord of Hlysitsl." His voice was cold, evil. Like something ancient was awaken.
"I was not informed about you coming." Kaen hissed. The dark ancient creature within Angelos squirmed. Angelos started walking in but Kaen stopped him. "You can't pass."
Angelos smirked, his yellow eyes seem to stare into his soul, "We have orders by The Lord of Aeptin."
"I have orders too."
Angelos growled, "Do we have to come in by force?" Kaen looked to the guard on the opposite side of the gate, he nodded and ran towards the large castle. "Making the lord come here?"
Kaen glared at Angelos, "The Prince."
Two words. Angelos bared his teeth. "Force it is then."
Kaen's eyes widened as ice spread towards him, one spike of ice stabbed his shoulder another in the abdomen.
Zephyr ran like hell as he heard Kaen's cries of pain, his father close behind. He stopped to see Kaen impaled in spikes of ice. "KAEN?!"
Angelos snapped his attention to Lord Alphier and his son. "That worked." He laughed.
Lord Alphier walked over to Angelos. "You are going to start a war young prince!"
Zephyr helped Kaen, who was healing his wounds. Angelos looked towards Kaen, "For an Ukobach. You're weak, too easy to break." Zephyr growled at Angelos and summoned Faylinn to help.
"Ukobach's surely were weak. No wonder why Mortals killed them so easily." One of Angelos' guards crooned. Kaen just huffed as Faylinn and Zephyr got him out of there.

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