Part 3

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*The Next Morning*

"Good Morning Tayler." Says Cleo while looking at him. "Good Morning Cleo." Tayler says with a yawn. "Are you ready to start the day?" Says Tayler while getting out of bed. "Ya I guess." *Cleo gets out of bed also* "Cleo, You can watch TV for a bit, while I get changed into some normal clothes instead of my pajamas." "Okay Tayler."

*A bit later*

"Damn Tayler you got some abs." Cleo says while Tayler takes off his shirt. "Ya, I work out." "No you don't." "Ya I do.. Sometimes..." *they laugh* "Ok I'm dressed Cleo." "Ya I know that lol." "Ya because, I just told you silly banana face." *Cleo looks at Tayler and says* "What the heck was that?" "Just forget what I said Cleo, I'm still not fully awake."

*They walk down stairs into Tayler's kitchen* "So where do you want to eat?" "Anywhere is fine, it's up to you but, I still have to get dressed also." "Oh ya I forgot so, let's go to your house and you can get dressed, and then I have to talk to you about something." "Okay?"

*Tayler and Cleo get in the car and are off to Cleo's house* *they get inside and Tayler waits in the living room while Cleo goes and gets dressed* "Are you done yet?" Tayler yells up the stairs. "Ya almost." Cleo yells from her bedroom.

*A few minutes later*

*Cleo walks down stairs* "I'm dressed Tayler." *Tayler looks at Cleo and drops his phone on the ground. "Holy Crap you look... look... amazing, just perfect." "Thanks." Cleo says while wiping her hair off her face. "So are you ready to go?" "Yes I'm ready Tayler."

*They get into the car and go to get breakfast at a place called (King's Palace).

*Half way there*

"So what was the thing you wanted to tell me earlier?" "Oh ya that thing..." "Is it bad?" "No not really it's actually pretty good but, it's your opinion." "Okay then ask me." "So I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me." "Sure, that sounds good. But, I have to wait till we get there to hug you... dang it." "Maybe when we get there you can have a longer hug because you can't hug me right now." "That sounds great!"

*They get to King's Palace *

*Tayler parks the car and then they get out of the car*

"Now can I have my hug?" Cleo says while holding her hands out. "Yes you may." *Tayler and Cleo hug for a long time* "I love you Tayler." "I love you Cleo."

*After they hugged for like an hour they finally made it into King's Palace* *they sit down at a table*

"Oh hey Tayler!" "Oh hey Joey! How are you we haven't talked in like forever?" "Ya it sure feels like it doesn't it?" "Yep... oh also this is my girlfriend Cleo." *Tayler points at Cleo* "Nice to meet you I'm Joey" "Nice to meet you Joey how's your meet and greets going?" *Tayler and Joey looked confused* "OMG! Your one of my fangirls aren't you?" "Ya kind of I guess lol." "I love meeting my fans they are so supportive and I love them so much." "Wait a minute Joey she's mine." Says Tayler. *They all laugh and Joey winks at Cleo* *they laugh even harder* "Anyway enjoy your meal and I'll see you guys around." *Joey walks away* "Okay Cleo I'm going to order for us. I'll be back soon." "Okay Tayler have fun and get me something to drink also."

"What is this?" *Cleo picks up a paper and reads it* *It has a phone number on it and it says Meet and Greet ticket for 2* "Wow Joey." *She shoves the ticket into her pocket and Tayler comes back with the food* "Yum! Smells good." Says Cleo. "Ya it does smell good I'm starving!" "Did you get dessert this time?" "I always have dessert with me." Tayler says with a wink* *Cleo smiles* "I love you're your smile." "Thanks Tayler but, why mine?" "Just because you smile is my favorite." "But, why is my smile your favorite." "Because some special came with it." "Aww... Tayler." *Tayler smiles at Cleo and grabs her hand.*

*From the other table*

"I have to do something about them they can't end up together. I have to stop this madness for once and all." Joey says while watching Tayler and Cleo and then he leaves*


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