Chris McCandless

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I am looking for something,
I don't know what it is

I get a itching in my feet
Itching me to walk
Itching me to run

I pack my pride, and thin layer of clothes,
I stretch my thumb every day
North, South
East, West

I come across a fortune teller, the storyteller type: a typical goatee and the galaxies in his eyes, endlessly looking young, like he's seen everything old; everything new; everything to come
He tells me

Dream longer
Believe in luck
Think of the Earth as your mother
For she will care for you
Such that you don't starve of adventure

He lifts his toga, a space of scars and stars, he says
These are my jewels,
My precious gems
No one will take these from me
They lie on my soul as secrets and memories do

Make your own, he tells me

I smile at the fortune teller, give him a tip,
I tell him
The solar system is against me, I am his mortal enemy,
My feet stop itching

I found my last stop

one am.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora