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A heavy heart was embedded in the Queen of Mark. With eyes of (colour) turned towards her reflection in a large mirror, she stared at what she had been adorned in.

A long white gown fit for a woman of her title, her hair in double braids as they were twisted into a bun with small native flowers weaved in. The dress flowed behind her from even the simplest movements upon the circular podium, lace sleeves hugging to her beloved form. Yet, she did not feel happiness within her heart.

She felt guilt of the choice she had made.

She felt ashamed of it.

That her subjects deserved a better ruler than him.

"You're highness? It's time."
A maid chimed from the entry door of the smaller tall ceilinged room.

Her eyes are soft when she gives a nod to the young girl. The maid smiles with a curt nod before disappearing down the grand hall. The Queen gave a drawn out sigh through her nose quietly. She shifts to a table near her as she stares upon the bouquet of many flowers, the color being a deep red.

Almost the color of blood.
It was the kingdom of Dark's military color.


Her nerves were at her throat while she stood behind the heavy door. Just behind the wooden barrier stood her nightmare at the alter.

She didn't want to believe it.

She didn't want to believe that she was marrying her husband's rival in war.

A nod was the only action she gave before two guards pull back the doors, as she looks upon the details before her.

The isle covered in multitudes of flower petals. The number of citizens and nobles that were able to sit upon the wedding. And her soon-to-be King.

He grinned to her upon her entrance. Everyone, having a look of happiness, were smiling towards the Queen as they rose to their feet. An organ played in the background as she is escorted down the isle by a knight. Her face showing no emotion, for her eyes never left his face.

Passing her bouquet to the maid-of-honour she faced her King. Their hands held each other as they stared upon the other, only the eyes telling their true emotions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. This day is a special day. For here today, we will unite two kingdoms with one another in marriage."
The preacher spoke. His hands held his worn old bible as he looks from the King and Queen to the people.

Continuing the long speech about the two, the dreadful moment finally made itself known.

"With these rings that you both have placed onto each other's hands, I now pronounce King Dark and Queen (Name), Husband and Wife!"

The many citizens and nobles cheered with joy. King Dark gazed upon Queen (Name), his grin becoming known once again.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

King Dark pulled the veil over Queen (Name)'s face as he leans down to gently kiss her lips. The people cheer louder at the moment before them, the Queen feeling her stomach drop to the floor.


Queen (Name) gently shut the master bedroom doors behind her. Her head hung low as the music below voiced with a hushed sound. Her feet carried her to a wall high window that was on either sides of the bed that laid in the center of the wall. Her eyes beheld a festival that would have made her true King gleeful beyond imagination.

Confetti basically rained from the windows above the streets as townspeople danced with one another to the joyous music. Lights were hung anywhere they could be reached and children ran about in playful costumes or with lanterns of peace.

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