Chapter 1 - Bad Day

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"Max, I'm hungry!" Gazzy whined once we landed in a town called Bayville. I mean seriously, I'm fifteen years old and this kid was already giving me grey hair. And besides that, I have a headache and Gazzy, Angel and Nudge been complaining about how hungry they are since before we even landed. We walked around the Bayville mall until we made it to the food court. Me, Fang, and Iggy weren't hungry so I got in line to order for the younger members of my flock - or so I thought. Once I got in line, a boy as tall as Fang with brown hair that went about to his shoulders grabbed my shoulder, pushed me, and took my place in line. And my bad day just got worse.

"Hey, what's your problem?" I said, my voice rising.

The boy looked at me. "I don't have a problem," he said. "And it's not like you can pay for food without your credit card."

I felt into my back pocket and the credit card we got in New York was gone. I turned around and saw the card in the hand of another boy; this time with silver - ish hair. I reached out to take it back but in a blink of an eye he pulled his hand back. It was weird.

"What is wrong with you guys?" I yelled.

"What's the matter? Too fast for ya?" he asked. Right then he was gone and then appeared behind me.

What the heck?!

"What, do you have like have super speed or something?" I asked.

"Why, yes. Yes I do." said the boy with silver hair. "The name's Pietro, but my friends call me Quicksilver."

"Okay, I've heard enough, now give me back my credit card!" I said.

The two boys just laughed. I lost it and punched Quicksilver right in the mouth. He then dropped the card and I picked it up. Then suddenly, the ground started to shake. And who was behind the shaking? The boy with the brown hair, that's who.

"What's going on?" I heard Iggy say.

I tried to make my way to the flock but I fell flat on my face. All of a sudden, the shaking stopped and I made a bee line toward the flock. Just then, Quicksilver grabbed my wrist and twisted it slightly. Fang at this point was out of his seat and started making his way to us. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged to the floor by Quicksilver, who was falling. Fang then punched the brown haired boy, knocking him down. Fang grabbed me and we started running - I motioned for the flock to do the same. Once we made it outside, a man in a wheel chair slowly made his way toward us and said "We need to talk."

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