Chapter 2 - X-Men

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Fifteen minutes later, the Flock and I were in a van driving toward a mansion. The sign on the gate said The Charles Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. I already kind of had a bad experience at an institute back in New York so I wasn't too excited.

Once we made it inside, the man in the wheel chair led us to a room that looked like a parlor where we saw six kids waiting for us. The first kid was a boy with brown hair and red sunglasses, then a girl with long red hair, a boy blue-ish black hair, a girl with brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, then and a boy with brown skin and blonde hair, then last kid was a girl with short auburn hair and white bangs. The woman had long white hair and brown skin. The guy that drove us walked into the room and leaned against the wall with his head down.

The man in the wheelchair turned to the others and said, "This is Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy and Angle."

"How did you-"I started to speak.

"We are not your enemies, Max. You see, we're just like you."

"You guys have wings too?" I said. The six kids exchanged glances.

"Not exactly, but, just like you, we are mutants," The guy in the wheelchair said then turned toward the boy with the sunglasses, "This is Scott also known as Cyclops."

"Why do they call him that?" Gazzy asked.

"Let's just say if I were to take my glasses off," Scott said," well, things would get messy."

Then wheelchair man turned to the girl with red hair and said, "This is Jean; she has telekinesis and is telepathic." He then turned to the boy with the blue-ish hair, "This is Kurt also known as Nightcrawler, a teleporter" then Kurt touched his watch and turned into a blue...elf thing? "Whoa!" Nudge, Gazzy, Angel and Total (who was in Angels arms) said in unison.

"That there is Kitty but, we call her shadowcat. There's Evan also known as Spike and Rogue." Wheelchair man said gesturing to the girl with the ponytail, the blonde boy and then the last girl.

Then the woman with the white hair spoke, "My name's Oruro; you can call me Storm. You already met Logan," She pointed to the guy leaning against the wall. She then pointed to the wheelchair guy, "And Professor Xavier."

Just then a big blue thing walked making me and the flocks (except Fang) gasp. "And that is Beast." Storm said.

"What are you guys exactly?" I asked.

"We call ourselves the X-Men." Scott told us.

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