Confession of a sleep talker

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Emily was awoken by her girlfriend grunting and mumbling in her sleep. Gently brushing hair away from Spencer's face she kisses her on the forehead. "It's okay babe, I'm here, I've got you." Spencer cuddles further into Emily's side.

Every few weeks for the last four years that Emily and Spencer have lived together, Emily is woken by Spencer talking in her sleep. It is something that she has always done, even going as far back as when they were still in school. Hanna always teased Spencer relentlessly if it happened during a sleepover but Emily always defended Spencer, even before they became a couple in their senior year. It never bothered Emily though, she thinks it's adorable, especially when Spencer is incoherent in her ramblings as she is now. Chuckling to herself she thinks back to the night after hours of adult fun and multiple orgasms, she was woken to Spencer running her hand across her bare stomach while talking about how crows were trying to take over the world and were not to be trusted under any circumstances. Usually Emily just let Spencer ramble on in her sleep but that night her curiosity got the better of her and she asked Spencer questions which she obliged in answering. She was then informed of Spencer's theory that crows were smarter than we think, they can understand speech, can communicate with other birds and that they are teaming up with bears so they can wipe out the human race.

But tonight, tonight Spencer seems different, she seems tense, continually furrowing her brow and groaning. Emily is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears Spencer muttering, "Got to hide it." Over and over again.

"Spence, what do you have to hide?"


"You can tell me Spence. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"I can't."

"Are you in trouble? Is that why you won't tell me?"

"The annulus, I have to hide the proelio annulus."

"Babe I don't understand Latin what is an annulus?"

"She can't know, you can't tell her."

"Who can't know?"

"My girlfriend Emily. You can't tell her."

"Spence you're starting to worry me."

"I'm not ready for her to know. Manu in matrimonium postulasset."

"English please Spencer."

"He said yes and then he cried. I asked him and he said yes. I was so scared but I did it. I love her so much."

Emily lays there rubbing Spencer's back trying to decipher Spencer's Latin rambling. "What the hell is going on? Who said yes?" Mutters Emily to herself.

"Wayne." Answers Spencer, rolling over so her leg is now resting on Emily's crotch. What about my dad? What could Spencer have possibly asked her father to make him cry? Then it hit her, 'matrimonium' she thought that word sounded familiar.

"Holy crap Spencer, did you really ask my dad for my hand in marriage?"

"Shhh, don't tell Emily, it's a secret." She nuzzles further into the crook in Emily's neck.

Wide eyed Emily is speechless, "Umm, I promise I won't tell her." Too late.

"Good, she means the absolute world to me and I can't let her get away, she is my soulmate." For the first time Emily wishes she wasn't such a light sleeper and that she never asked Spencer what was wrong. She feels as though she has violated Spencer by asking her questions while her guard was and still is down. But never before has something this big been revealed. The biggest secret Spencer has ever revealed in her sleep was that one time when she ate a cheeseburger when they were both on a juice cleanse Hanna forced them to do with her. How is she meant to keep this to herself? She lay awake for hours until eventually getting up and walking into the kitchen, phone in hand.

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