The Host

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"You have won a trip to ANYWHERE with ANYONE for a week!"

"This is CRAZY, I never thought that I would win!" I said with a wide grin across my face.

I felt a hot wave of fear cross me as I remembered that I hadn't told my parents that I signed up for the Anywhere Anyone sweepstakes.

"Unfortunately, I can't take it." I said, on the verge of tears.

"Why not!" The host of the sweepstakes said.

"I kinda forgot to tell my parents that I signed up for the sweepstakes." I said, afraid that the host would be mad at me.

"WHAT!" The host screamed at me, "I knew this was going to happen!", he turned as if he was talking to an invisible man that was standing behind him. "I should have just pursued my career as a circus clown," he whispered to himself. He turned back to me and said "You knew very well that you had to be 18 or over to compete in this sweepstakes."

"I know..I...I...I'm very sorry sir."

He held out a piece of piece of paper and said for me to give it to my parents. He left my doorstep, shaking his head as he slid his feet towards his white van. I shut the door and went up in my room to think up a plan to tell my parents. I thought about saying "We should go on a vacation!" but, what if they said no. I was so nervous about confronting them about this. All of the sudden I heard the door slam.

"Hey Buddy, we're home!", my parents screamed up the stairs, "We brought lunch!"

I shuffled my feet all the way down stairs.

"What's wrong bud?" my dad asked.

"I have a situation that I need to talk to you about." I said, gloomily.

"Shoot I forgot to grab the mayonnaise from the restaurant! Oh, sorry, what's the situation kiddo." my dad said.

"So, I entered a sweepstakes without your permission and I kinda won it." I said while sliding the envelope that the host gave me towards them.

They opened the envelope as I stared at them, anxious as to what they were going to say.

"Well," my mom started, "Pack your bags I could totally use a vacation. I'm thinking...... Niagara Falls."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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