A Beautiful Day Indoors

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 Looking up at the towering, "GAME OVER" screen, I think it's finally time for a break from Overtales. You just get so wrapped up in the story, you know? Oh, pardon me for not introducing myself. My name's Nick, and I'm glad someone finally decided to read this log. I thought it would be a good idea to share what's happened to me over the past few weeks. However, I don't know where to start. Probably at the start...

"Mom, I'm heading out!", I yell as I head out to my bus stop.

"Alright have a good day sweetheart! I love you!", she shouts from upstairs.

It was a beautiful morning outside. The birds were singing, spring flowers were blooming. On days like these, kids like me, should've been enjoying the gorgeous weather. But I had better plans. Me and my YGC Lowlander Team, on Team Bunker 3. As I was thinking about who would create the Chaos server so we could voice chat, when a man in a trench coat bumped into me. Unfortunately, my impeccable manners took over my actions.

"Sorry, sir-"

I barely had time to shout when he grabbed me by the shoulder and drug me into the alleyway. I thought that he was gonna murder me, right then and there, or hold me hostage, or whatever creeps in trenchcoats do. He pulled out what looked like a .22 pistol, and shot me. I thought I was dying. As I was slowly slipping away from the world, he began to drag me again. My last thought was that is was going to be shoved into a dumpster, and never seen again...

But then I woke up. I was at home, and I could tell that it was working, because of the soft glow. "Am I in heaven?", I thought to myself. I knew he shot me, I knew he did! Just then, I heard my Mom shout from downstairs.

"Nick, get down here and eat some breakfast, you're gonna be late for school!"

Never mind, definitely not in heaven. But I could have sworn he shot me! Then it hit that this was all probably just a bad dream. Yeah, just a vivid nightmare. As I grabbed my phone out of my room, and I opened Crash of Tribes, when I was suddenly torn away from reality as I was sucked into my phone.

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