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"Rule one, no death blows! Rule two, no black magic. Three, stop when I say or if the opponent surrenders. Rule four, final rule. Any flying cannot go outside of the clearing. You may be above it, but not over he trees! Ready? GO!" He shouted and ran out of the way as Evaline lunged for Jeeya.
"GO JEEYA!" I shout as loud as I can, and Jeeya smiles as I call her name, blocking the blade swinging at her with one of her metal tusks, stopping it short and fling her head to the side, sending Evaline's arm flying to the side.
"Oh my god, this is the best!" I cry, laughing. Someone next to me grins, punching my shoulder lightly.
"You know it!" They cry. I turn to see who it is but I turn back right away as Evaline makes another jab at Jeeya. This time it's aimed at her leg, and Jeeya swipes Evaline's blade, her claws closing magically around it and ripping it forward. I expect it to go easily, since it isn't attached to the handle, but as she spins around and let's it go, Evaline is pulled behind it, and slams against the wall. She frowns, growling and springing up in a catlike motion, sidestepping Jeeya as her claws stick into the dirt wall right where she'd been standing. She pulled out her claws forcefully, and jumped just in time for her legs to go over Evaline's blade, which missed the bottom of her boot by a pencil's width. I cheer loudly, the person next to me does too.
"GO JEEYA!" He shouts. I laugh and high five him.
"YEAH! YOU GOT THIS!" I scream.
Evaline obviously hears the crowd shouting for Jeeya's victory, because she angrily turns and scowls at us. Big mistake. As soon as her head is turned, Jeeya rams her in the upper back with her tusks, just below her neck, and catches the fabric of her shirt. Once again, Jeeya spins, flinging Evaline again, this time straight into the air in her moment of distraction.
Evaline screams in shock and Jeeya takes a running start, pushing off the wall in a backflip and bringing her leg down on Evaline as she falls, pushing her into the ground on impact. Evaline swung wildly as Jeeya's leg connected with her back, but missed as Jeeya summers halted backwards gracefully.
Evaline struggled to a standing position. They circle the arena, Evaline scowling and Jeeya with a smirk on her face.
"I can't believe I was nervous!" She laughs. "I'm doing pretty well against last week's top ranked!"
Evaline snarled, lashing out. Her blade shot away from her, and as she swung the handle, it followed her hand movements, slicing right above Jeeya's head before snapping back to the air in front of it's user.
Jeeya laughed, and swung her fists together. Her claws shot out from the brass knuckles they were attatched too, and stuck into evaline's arms. She screamed, falling to the floor. Blood poured from her arms and The referee boy blew the whistle.
I watch as a medic rushes into the arena, pulling the claws from Evaline's arms and handing them to Jeeya who leaves the arena.
"Care for a drink?" Comes a voice from next to me. I turn to see who I'd been cheering with earlier- it was a boy with stark white skin with black features and hair, grinning at me. "I was going to ask earlier but you seemed caught up in the match."
"It's the first time I've ever been here," I admitted. "And I made friends with Jeeya earlier."
"Good choice," he responds. "She's a regular here, and one of the nice ones. Evaline's a jerk to everyone unless they benefit her." He said, and led me to a bar I hadn't noticed before, stretching across one wall and opening into a sort of kitchen area that people worked in behind the counter. He helped me onto one of the stools, which were just the cushions hovering in the air, with no other pieces. He sat in the one next to me.
"So you're the new human?" He asks.
"Yeah," I respond, grinning. "Everything here is so cool!" I add. He laughs.
"I'm Qeunt, by the way." He says.
"Villa," I respond, and shake his hand.
"So you don't know which drinks are which, do you?" I shake my head, and he orders for us. Then, he notices Crystal. His eyes widen.
"You've got a tiny dragon!" He laughs. I nod.
"Yeah, this is crystal." He smiles and pets her, and we hear a clash of metal on metal as the next round starts. The drinks are placed in front of us.
"Does this have alcohol?" I ask. "I don't drink."
"No," he replies. "I wouldn't have gotten you something alcoholic without asking."
"Thanks," I reply, and take a sip of it. The flavor is immensely fruity and sweet, and I grin.
"It tastes so new!" I laugh. "This place is the best." He grins.
"Glad you think so. Want to watch the next match?"
"Sure." I say. We walk back into the crowd, making our way to the front.

A couple battles later, it was Jason's turn. Me and Quent are crowding the net that separates us from the arena, screaming and cheering.
"GO JASON!" I shout. Quent laughs and I realize something. "Lets go to the clearing!" I say, excited. "Jason can fly, so we can get a cooler view up there."
As we run up the spiral stairs to the clearing, laughing, the match starts. Jason is using a sword made of fire, which looks epic. His opponent is- the boy from the corner? The one with the lion!
The boy rides on top of the obsidian lion, and it lunges at Jason, who flies upwards a bit out of the way and melts one of the lion's eyes down by slicing him with the sword. The boy rips a page from a sketchbook, throwing it at Jason. It catches in his sword's flame, and suddenly a huge bird materializes in Jason's face, scratching him. He stabs it's leg, and it swoops down. The boy jumps on it's back and then the fight raises in the air, now at me and Quent's eye level.
"woah!" I shout.
"That's Red," Quent says. "He uses parchment magic to create war beasts out of thin air. If he has other material, he can make them stronger. Like the lion made of obsidian." He says. I nod.
"That's so cool," I reply. Suddenly, the crowd gasps, and I look up to see the bird falling out of the sky, dead. Red pushes off it's back, and clings to Jason's boot, but he swings down towards his hand. Red lets go to avoid being burned, and falls to the arena floor- almost sixty feet down. The lion runs forward to catch him in its jaw, but he's still out cold, and Jason wins.
"Lets go find Jason and Jeeya," I say. Quent leads me through the crowd to find Jeeya. Jason is probably still down there,
So we decide to find her first.
When we find her, she looks ecstatic.
"Oh my god! Villa!" She sad in a high pitched voice, and jumps on me in a hug.
"I won!" She squeals. "I can't believe it! I finally beat that jerk! She always beat me, so I took a break to train," she said quickly. I chuckle, hugging her back.
"You were amazing!" I say. The girl she'd beaten, Evaline, frowned at my words. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, and walked over.
"Hey," I said, smiling. Jeeya watched warily. She looks ready to defend me, or jump in between us.
"Good match." I say to her. "You guys looked really badass."
To my surprise, her scowl shifted to a smile. She laughed.
"Thanks. Good game, Jeeya!" She says, calling to Jeeya, who looks surprised but happy.
We laugh and the conversation continues.

A/N: I've decided to set myself to a loose deadline of two weeks. Every time I post a chapter, I have two weeks to post he next one for that story. Thanks for reading!

Poison Pellets (Original story by Villa) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora