Chapter 2

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~I wrote some of the second chapter but I need to know if you guys like this or would really help me out.~

*Analeah’s P.O.V.*

I go down the stairs, and open my front door.

I stand there for a few seconds, looking into Hailey's beautiful blue green eyes.

I shut the door and pull her into a kiss. At first she doesn't kiss back then her lips start to move in sync with mine, she wraps her arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around her neck and step closer to her. I slowly slide my tongue between her lips, we wrap our tongues around each other's tongues. She pulls me so close that I can feel her heartbeat. Her hands slide to my lower back, my hands slide to her hair. All of a sudden Hailey pulls back. She looks into my eyes.  "What’s wrong?" I ask

"What are we doing? What are you doing? I mean I'm bi but I didn't know you were."

"I have been bi the entire time. I've liked you since we first met. I should've told you a long time ago. But I was afraid of what you’d say." I explain

"I've liked you for the longest time too but I didn't want to say anything and make it weird." Hailey says.

"I guess it's not weird after all, is it?"  Hailey just smiles at me then kisses me again.

I get butterflies then pull away and say "Do you wanna go get pizza and see a movie now?"  Hailey says "As long as it can be our first date."  I smile my crooked smile and nod my head yes. She smiles too, locks her fingers with mine then we go to her car and go to Pizza Palace, the best pizza joint in town.

*Hailey’s P.O.V.*

We pull into the parking lot of the Pizza Palace, I can hardly believe what just happened. But I’m so glad it happen. I’ve liked her for so long. I just wish I knew what she was feeling and thinking. I’ve never felt such a rush before in my life. I have so many butterflies in my stomach right now it’s crazy.

I get out of the car, walk over to her door and open it for her, once again she locks her fingers with mine and I smile. We order then sit down and wait for it to be ready.

She is so beautiful I can’t stop looking at her.

“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Analeah asks

“Because I can’t believe all of this is happening and because you’re just so beautiful.” I say

She blushes a little then answers, “Well thank you. And I can’t believe it’s happening either.” “Well I’m glad that it’s happening, I’ve wanted too long for this.” I answer

“Good, because so have I.” She says

We get our pizza when it’s ready then we talk and eat.  When we go back out to my car I open and close the door for her, get in and start the car.

“Do you just wanna to go home and watch movies at my house or your house?” She asks

“I don’t care honestly as long as I’m with you it doesn’t matter.”  I say slightly blushing

“Okay to your house it is then.” She says then sticks her tongue out at me. I laugh lightly then say, “Okay beautiful.”

I drive back to my house, once again I open and close her car door for her.  I’m nervous but happy. I don’t know what she has planned, but I think I have a pretty good idea and it kind of makes me more nervous honestly but I can’t let  her see that it makes me nervous.

We go in my house.

“Do you want anything or need anything before we start watching movies?” I ask Analeah

“How about some popcorn and Mountain Dew?” she suggests

“Okay, you can go sit down if you want, I’ll be right in.”

She disappears towards the living room. “Oh and if you want pillows or blankets, they’re in the closet by the stairs.” I yell to her.

I see her reappear and then disappear again. Maybe she’s getting pillows and a blanket. I take the popcorn and Mountain Dew into the living room and set it on the table then go to the closet to see if she’s getting anything out of it. She’s not there.  Maybe she’s in the bathroom. I’ll just grab the blanket and pillows while I’m here. I put the pillows and blanket on the couch, then go check the downstairs bathroom. She’s not in there either. I check the upstairs bathroom. She’s not there. I go back down and check the dinning room, the back patio, the garden, the garage, the pool and the pool house. She’s nowhere to be found. So I go back upstairs and check the spare bedroom. She’s not there. I check the theater room, the game room, the library, the office, and the second spare bedroom. Finally I decide I’ll check my room. I go into my room and she’s not in there. I go to my master bathroom. There she is. Standing there half naked staring at me from the mirror seductively. I swallow hard, blink rapidly, and take a deep breath. Analeah smirks then turns around and leans her ass against the counter still staring at me. She looks as if she’s undressing me with her eyes. She has one thumb hooked into the top of her boy shorts and her other hand on her hip.

*Analeah’s P.O.V.*

When Hailey finally finds me, she has the exact reaction I was hoping for. I hop up on the bathroom counter and wave Hailey closer with my finger. Once she’s closer, I wrap my legs around her and put my arms around her neck and pull her between my legs. When she looks up at me I can see the passion in her eyes. I wink at her then bite my bottom lip. This seems to strike something in her because she wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my neck, starting a hickey. I grab a handful of the back of Hailey’s brown hair and gently tug on it. She moves her lips from my neck to my lips and kisses me deep and passionately.

~ I'm still writing this one. It's gonna  be awhile cause I'm pretty busy and going through a lot but I'll try to keep updating it. I'll keep updating it little by little when I have inspiration.~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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