Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hey guys before we start I would like to give a shoutout to funsized__kate  She created the super amazing cover, so check her out :).
Axel woke up hours later. He stared at me for a long time before he finally got up and left the living room.

He didn't really say anything about his panic attack, if that was what happened.

But it's been two weeks since that happened.

Axel won't talk nor look at me, I don't even know how long it's been since I was kidnapped, I don't even know what month it is.

I've been just sticking to myself the whole time, I haven't told Axel about the thing I saw run in the yard. But I've seen it more and more often.

I can't quite tell who it is, but now I know it definitely is a person. They always leave foot prints when they run. I never follow them, because I don't know who it is, or what they want from me.

Over the past two weeks Axel had brought home different girls every other night, which is disgusting.

The girls all look the same, blond, skinny, skimpy clothes.

And they all left by the same time everyday 6:15, thus waking me up and starting my day.

Now my day consists of doing the long list of chores that Axel leaves before he goes to work.

I don't really complain, I just do the chores and then sit on the patio waiting for that person to come back.

Axel usually gets home around six then leaves to god knows where and eventually comes home with a girl.

I feel a burning sensation on my arm that snaps me out of my thoughts.

Apparently, I was making myself lunch and I forgot, hence why my thoughts got in the way, and I burned my forearm.

I let out a shriek and run over to the sink and run cold water over the burn mark.

I wince as the cold water hits my arm, slowly my arm begins to hurt less.

The pain wasn't completely gone, it just went down like I could still feel it I knew it was there but it  just didn't hurt as bad.

I grab a cold napkin and I wrap it up around my forearm and then I put gauze around it to secure it. 

By the time I turn back around to still little pot is already caught flannel is another scream leaves my mouth.

I grab the sink hose and begin  to spray water on it, little do I know it makes the fire 10xs worse.

Frantically I look for a phone, no luck there Axel grabbed all the phones.

As the smoke detector begins to finally go off, I start running around the house and grabbing stuff,  just hoping that I get some things out because I can't stop the fire.

By the time I go back in the kitchen,  the fire has spread all over the room the whole house is beginning to get clouded in smoke.

I let out a  frustrated scream and tug on the curls of my hair.

Axel is going to be so mad.

Speaking of Axel where is he?

Then I remember it's lunch time and Axel won't be here until six.

Now the fire has spread largely. It's pitch black smoke and I'm feeling lightheaded.

Why didn't I grab a wet wash cloth to cover my face. I drop to the floor and begin to feel my way on the ground.

I have no clue where I'm going.

Soon the black smoke begins to fill my lungs and ends in a coughing fit, which leads to me dark spots clouding my vision.

The last thing I see before I pass out is a light.

*Third person*

While he was walking past the house he noticed the dark smoke coming from the back of the house. He waited to see if anyone had left, he didn't see Charlotte.

He knew she was in there, so he ran around to the back of the fence and went under the hole in the fence.

Once he got into the fence, he went to the front of the house letting in light, just enough, he saw her laying there. I picked her up by her knees and held her close to him.

Charlotte was out cold, she was barley breathing, he knew he couldn't take her to the hospital. So he took her back to his place.

Meanwhile, Axel was at working thinking about his last nights 'date' . She was just as sucky as all the rest, they weren't even close to his Char.

Charlotte was perfect with her beautiful brown skin and curly hair. Her sassy attitude, she was just perfect in everyway to him.

He felt bad for the way he has been treating her lately, making her seem like someones trash trophy wife. But he knew his feelings for her wouldn't stop. So he distanced himself from her.

Sometimes, Axel just wishes he could have met Charlotte in a different way, so then maybe, just maybe she could like him the way he likes her.

Speaking of Charlotte, Axel was really missing Charlotte, so he decided to leave work early.

It's not like anything super importaint was happening, just same people oweing the same amount of money. Nothing new.

But the rival gang, the Scorpion's, have started making moves on them, they were going after a target, but Axel just couldn't figure out what it was.

Lately, they haven't really made any moves.

As Axel got into his, over priced car, a sense of worry flashed over him.

As soon ash his car started he zoomed home, but when he got home, or what was left of it, he couldn't believe his eyes, his house was gone, and not only that. But so has his girl, Charlotte wasn't there.

Axel jumped out of his car and unlocked the gate, he could tell no one has been there, that means one thing. Charlotte was gone.

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