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Backstage altercations that happened after the Rumble...


Luan had just finished changing into her clean clothes and stepped out of the locker room when Zema Ion stopped her.

Zema: Do you really think you could get away with cutting my hair?

Luan: Whoa there pretty boy, you don't want to rip off more hair do you? Hahahahaha. Get it?

Zema: Thanks to you, I look like a complete fool!

Luan: Look Ion, you can simply go to a hair salon to fix that. I'm not joking here.

Zema: *in a sarcastic tone* Oh yeah I can totally do that. But this isn't over Luan! *walks off*

Luan: Okay. ZEMA later! Hahahaha get it?

Zema: *From far away* SHUT UP!

Luan: Oh and don't try anything funny because I'll be keeping an ION you! Hahahahahaha!

Zema Ion had enough. He ran back and started beating Luan to a pulp. "YOU REALLY THINK YOU'RE FUNNY HUH!?" He shouted at her. He then threw her to a wall and she laid there in pain.

Zema Ion then picks up her LWF Title, looks at Luan who was slowly getting up, then hits her with the Title Belt and Luan drops to the floor again.

Zema Ion then lays the Title Belt in front of her and storms out.


In another part of the backstage area, Lola, Bobby Roode, and Austin Aries were having a heated argument.

Austin: Look Lola. Bobby and I had Title shots! We just had to prioritize that first!

Lola: Oh cut the crud, Austin! And Roode, don't even speak! The fact of the matter is, you guys had opportunities. You, Bobby Roode, won! And you Austin, you were so close!

Lola then sighs, then Lola pulls out an umbrella and strikes the two men with it.

Lola: Consider this, a separation. I want nothing to do with you two anymore.

In walks Marty Scurll.

Marty: Good swing, Lola. I'm impressed.

Lola: You know Marty, it feels good to play a villain.

Then the two begin to laugh maniacally.


Luna and 3MB were conversing on how the night went despite not winning. Then Renee Young comes by and interviews them.

Renee: Luna, Heath, despite getting eliminated in the Royalist Rumble match, you guys don't seem to mind. Care to tell why?

Luna: Well dudette, we had a good run. We were a little disappointed bro, but then, I remembered Lana. Then I said "Dudes, remember the DCC? How about we take the DCC down guys!"

Heath: To be honest, I said she was crazy. But I liked the idea. *Grabs Microphone* so DCC! If you're watching this now! We're gonna take you down!

Just then, The DCC attack 3MB from behind and James Storm picks up Luna.

Lana takes off her mask. "So... you wanna take us down, huh?" Lana asks. "DCC, will bring peace and order back to LWF, wether you like it or not!"

James Storm turns Luna around and nails her with the Last Call Superkick, and leave.


Corey Graves walks up to his car to see Leni waiting for him there.

Corey: LENI! What are you doing here?

Leni: Heyyy Tom.

Corey: Leni. My name is Corey. Not Tom.
Leni: OH! Anyway, you are like, totes adorbs with those tattoos. Makes you look... hot... *winks*

Corey Graves was blushing madly.

Corey: Oh... my... um... thanks for the comp-

Leni cuts him off and locks lips with Corey.

After what seemed like an hour, she breaks the kiss. "Call me." She whispers in his ear. Leni then walks away, Leaving Corey a dumbfounded mess.


Adam Garcia has finished changing and was walking to the parking lot to his Tour Bus, but when he passed the medical room, he saw Luan getting checked on.

Adam: Luan! *enters the medical room* Luan what happened?

Luan: Zema Ion attacked me.

Just then, Low Ki attacks Adam from behind, then turns his attention back to Luan, and assaults her.

"I TOLD YOU TO WATCH OUT!" Low Ki screamed. Low Ki then storms out of the medical room.

I see Low Ki's attack and confront him.

Me: I saw what you did there, and I'm not gonna tolerate it!

Low Ki: What are you gonna do about it huh?

Me: Episode 6, you're facing Adam. In an Ambulance Match.

Low Ki looked in shock, then storms off.


A/N: AND THAT'LL DO IT FOR THE ROYALIST RUMBLE GUYS! What's gonna happen in Ep. 6, tune in for that and as always, good day or good night, wherever you are. This is Chard BC, and this has been, LWF ROYALIST RUMBLE!

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