-If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea-
-I'll sail the world to find you-

"Hey, Ian, you think you can get me from the grocery store?" Anthony asked over the phone.

"Sure, man," Ian replied. "How come?"

"Car broke on the way home. I called those car people, but I'm still pretty far from the house."

"Oh, yeah. Sure, I'll find where you are and stop to wait for them." Anthony smiled. He knew Ian was a really good friend.

-If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see-
-I'll be the light to guide you-

"Anthony, power's out!" Ian called. "Help me find the flashlights." Ian felt his way around the counter and towards the kitchen. "Freakin' power-outs," he mumbled, reaching out for a drawer. He grabbed hold of something, but it definitely wasn't a drawer.

"Ian," Anthony said, turning on a flashlight to illuminate them both, "that's my hand." Ian looked down at the dimmed shapes of his hand intertwined with Anthony's. "Dude, I'm right here. I've got the flashlight." Ian let go and smiled.

"Thanks, man."

-Find out what we're made of-
-When we are called to help our friends in need-

Something about the living room didn't seem right.

"Is something missing?" Ian suggested.

"Maybe we moved something and forgot," Anthony added. Ian shrugged.

"I'll figure out what happened." Anthony shook his head.

"No, man, I've got it. Can't be that big of a mystery, can it?"

"How about we search together?" Anthony nodded.

"I'll be counting on you for info."


-You can count on me like 1, 2, 3-
-I'll be there-
-And I know when I need it-

"One, two, three, and...Anthony!" Ian called from the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Anthony asked as he walked into the room, shirtless. "I'm getting dressed." Ian held out a plate.

"Made you a sandwich," Ian said, making a point of smiling proudly.

"Thanks, man." Anthony took the sandwich, biting in and nodding.

"I saw that you didn't eat yet, and we had a couple pieces of bread left, so I figured, why the hell not?"

"Thanks. I can pretty much count on you for food, right?" Ian rolled his eyes.

"Don't get cocky and your damn food," Ian laughed.

-I can count on you like 4, 3, 2-
-You'll be there-
-'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah-

"Son of a bitch!" Ian cursed, holding his injured hand.

"What happened?" Anthony called, walking to the backyard.

"Cut my hand on the bushes again. Why do the branches have to be such dicks?"

"More like, you know, why are you so clumsy? That's, what, the second time? Third?"

"Fourth. I swear-"

"Calm down, I'll get you some band-aids and stuff." Anthony dragged Ian in and set him down on couch before leaving and returning with band-aids.

"Guess now I can count on you to be my nurse," Ian joked.

IAnthony: Count On MeWhere stories live. Discover now