Chapter Ten

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Elsa's Point of View 

After all those horrid nightmares, I finally woke up. I'm going to march towards Camp Half Blood.

I dressed up, ate and brushed my teeth. I need answers, and I need them now.

I marched to Camp Half Blood and saw Chiron in the entrance. He was looking at me very strangely. He said something that surprised me.

"You. You're supposed to be dead."

Wow. Am I? I think I'm completely real, bones and flesh. I suddenly see Annabeth at the entrance.

"Chiron, lunch is—" she paused, with her mouth wide open. "Is that— is that— ELSA FROM FROZEN?!!"

I had no idea what she was talking about. What's frozen? All I know is that ice is frozen. So, I decided to stare at her like I was stupid. (I know. I'm so smart.)

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I got a clear look at her eyes. They were startlingly gray.

"You mean... You don't know about your own MOVIE?!!" I shook my head. I have a movie? "You— and Anna—" Annabeth started. Chiron cut her off.

"Who do you think filmed that movie?" Chiron asked her. 

She stared at him, dumbfounded. "Some movies are performed by actors, while others are just animated... I don't see where this conversation—"

Chiron shook his head. "You're right. Most movies have actors portraying the different characters. Some are animated. But some are real, too." He looked at me.

"But you're saying that this movie happened around two centuries ago, based on the architecture of the castle and everything. You can't really be saying that—" Annabeth breathed.

"Yes. She is the same girl. And that girl is supposed to be dead." Chiron simply replied.

Annabeth shook her head. "The Doors of Death... It's all making sense! Didn't you say that you saw this boy earlier, Chiron? And you said the same thing?"

"You mean Jack Frost? I know him. It was quite surprising that he didn't know me," Chiron said grimly. "He's supposed to be dead, too." 

I jumped in. "Whoa, whoa, WHOA. I'm a real person. How could I be dead?"

Chiron stared at me. "You don't remember ANYTHING about your past?" I shook my head.

Annabeth cursed in Greek. Wait. How did I know that it was Greek? "Her most annoying majesty. HERA," she rolled her eyes. "She must have done something."

Chiron glared at Annabeth. Then, he looked at me with sudden interest. "Then how were you able to get passed the barriers of Camp Half Blood?"

"I'm a half blood," I simply answered.

"Who's your godly parent?" Annabeth asked.

"Khione. Goddess of snow," I shuddered. I hated her now. All because of Gaea. Queen Dirt Face. Or at least that's how I heard Leo described her or something. 

Annabeth and Chiron looked at each other.

"She's evil. How can you prove that you're not?" Annabeth asked suspiciously.

"That's the reason I wanted to come here! I hate my mother! She's been controlled by GAEA!" I stomped my feet. Suddenly, ice formed beneath my feet. 

"Whoa." I breathed. What just happened?

"You must have special powers..." Annabeth breathed.

Me? Special powers? What?

"Wait. You both said I had an old life. Do you still have that Frozen movie?" I asked."Maybe I can remember bits and pieces of my old life." 

Annabeth nodded. "Let's go and watch the movie. Maybe you'll remember bits and pieces of your past."

 And so we watched the movie.

I had powers? And a sister? And I had a good singing voice? Why didn't I remember any of this? How did I die? How did I get reborn? What happened to me?

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