Quotes and Paragraphs of Interest #1

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"This can't be it..."
"...Then how come it is?"

"Moon dust in your lungs,
Stars in your eyes,
You are a child of the cosmos,
And ruler of the skies."

"Dreams are fantastic, but...They're not real."

"It's the little things."

"The world is a mad man's canvas, and a sane man's business deal."

"She laughed too much, and I didn't laugh enough."

"We are destined to do this dance, forever."

"What happens when the person you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger?"

"I wanted to enjoy the night, but love stopped me. I love her so much. Help me, please."

"I said that I didn't want our friendship to go down in flames. 
And in all honesty, it didn't.
It rotted.

"The thought alone that the most beautiful piece of art doesn't have my name on it, is killing me. So, will you marry me?"

"She's so beautiful. I would do something, but...I dare not touch the sun."

"We become what we behold."

"It was my perfect opportunity to say nothing."

"Everything that comes together, falls apart."

"Some day, no one will remember you existed. Memories fall apart, then you're left with nothing, not even a ghost, but with it's shadow."

"People die twice. When you leave the realm of the living, then the realm of the mind." 

"Destruction is caused in the trouble of creation. Creation is found in the rubble of destruction."

"Years of love have been forgotten in the hatred of a second."

"Do you know what your problem is? You can't live with the idea that someone might leave."

"She blew the hinges off of my mind. She tore through my boring life and left me indescribably different."

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."

"Even the purist can be corrupted when the hearts emotions are twisted."

"It's all fun and games until someone falls in love."

"In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other."

"And after the longest time of sadness, she gave a smile."

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."

"Go, before I change my mind...Or my mind changes me."

"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."

 "I fell in love with your worst parts first...And that is why my love for you is so strong."

"We are the loneliest people in the worlds most crowded room."

"Let things be as they become."

"Doors are for people with no imagination."

"It wasn't painful to love you. I fell in love with your pain."



"There's nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the worlds a better place."

"My bottle of the mind, full with the red wine of emotion."

"She is the spark that ignited my passion for literature, She is the reason I care so deeply. She broke the clouded filter before my eyes and I could see what the world truly was and still is; miserable, lonely, passionate and so incredibly inspiring."

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