Learn To Live Again

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I walked around, looking for nothing in particular. I'm just trying to get away from the situation going on at home. You see, my parents are at the end of their relationship. I know they're trying not to fight in front of my siblings and I, but I never seem to miss a single fight. And to make matters worse, my boyfriend decided to show up in the middle of their current fight. I can still recall how it all went down.

"I can't stand you anymore! You never listen, you never think of how you'll affect this family, and you're always working!" My mother yells at my father.

"Well, you know what? You're always putting the blame on me, and I'm tired of it!" My dad yells back. These words don't bother me anymore, they use them all of the time. My thoughts get interrupted by someone knocking on the front door. I open it and see my boyfriend, Jake.

Before I can say anything I hear a loud crash and my mother screaming, "I don't even know why I married you! You're a piece shit husband and father!"

"Don't you dare tell me that I'm a bad parent!" My father yells, sounding like he's trying not to blow.

"You need to leave, now." I warn Jake.

"What's going on?" He asks me.

"It doesn't matter. You just need to leave before they see you." I say, trying to push him out of the doorway. If my parents catch him here al hell will break loose. My parents will take out their anger on anyone they see when they're fighting and they already don't like my boyfriend.

"I'll leave once you tell me what's going on." He stands his ground.

"My parents are fighting, like usual, and if you don't go now you're going to be the one they take their anger out on." I tell him quickly, using my entire body to try and push him out. I guess I didn't tell him fast enough, because my parents come into the hallway screaming and shoving, making my boyfriend and I freeze. My father is the first one to notice us.

"What is he doing here?" He asks, his dislike for my boyfriend showing in his voice.

"He was just dropping by to see if I could help him with his history paper. You know how hard senior year of high school can be. So we'll just be on our way now." I say, shoving my Jake out the door, him willingly going out.

"No you aren't." My mother snaps, making my boyfriend and I stop, "We've told you what would happen if we ever saw your boyfriend in this house."

"Mom, please. Just go clean up the mess you've made and let us be." I beg.

"Don't tell your mother what to do. She might be a bitch, but she is still your mother and you still have to obey her." My father says, making my mother mad.

"Excuse you! I am not a bitch!" My mother screams.

"Hey, hey. That's totally a compliment. A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark grows on trees, trees are nature, and nature is beautiful." I try to calm them down.

"Regardless if your mother is a bitch or not, you still have to watch your brother and sisters." My father tells me, getting annoyed.

"One; it's brothers and sister. Two; they're at their friends house. They've been there for a week." I inform him. I sent my two little brothers and my little sister off to one of their friends house so that they didn't have to worry about being a victim of my parents fighting.

"Why aren't they here?? I don't remember sending them anywhere." My mother questions, looking like she wants to strangle me.

"That's a stupid question, dumbass. Michelle obviously wanted to keep her siblings away from a monster like you." My father snorts, acting like that was the most obvious answer.

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