New People

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I was trying to get use to my surroundings, the light of the sun and many of the life forms all around me, mostly bugs, deers, pigs, and sheep.
I was getting up to walk for the first time on my two legs, it seemed mutch easyer that I had thought, I thought at first step I would fall on the grass, but no, I started to take a step, then walked, then run.
All of this life and energy was so amazing that I never really notice what I looked like, there were all kinds of organisms with features so unique and rare, but what about me.
I came up to a small pond, and neeled down on my knees to looked at my reflection on the surface of the water, I had bright blue eyes, brown hair with my hair swayed to the left and a flower crown, I got up to wipe of the grass that was stuck to my legs when I looked at what I was whereing, I was whereing a white, short sleved shirt with the words 'LOVE' on it in a flower pattern and a skirt with flower patterns all over it and black leggings, but I had no shoes on my feet.
I would see in the corner of my eye I see something in the water making waves that ripple the water's surface, it was a blue or black lifeform, curiosity got the best of me and I moved closser to see it better, it looked like a squid, before I could think what is a squid doing in a pond, its slimy tentacles grabbed hold of my legs, it pulled one of my legges and knocked me on the ground, I was clawing at the dirt on the ground trying to get away from it as it was pulling me twords the water, but because of my body wait it was slow but it had a strong grip, "Help! Someone help me!", I screamed out as loud as I could.
This only made the squid hurry more to not draw attention, he started to pull me to the water faster, it had submurged under the water, "Help! Please!", I screamed louder, my legs were under the water now, I thought this was going to be the end of me untill I saw two men running twords me with a sword and an axe, the squid saw them and tryed to pull me in faster, the men stoped in frunt of me and one of them brought his sword up ready to strike, 'are they going to kill me' is all I thought, the man brought his sword down, I put my arms over my face to protect my self from the blow but it never came, I could only here the sound of a hiss.
I uncovered my face to see the man had choped off the squids tentacles and the hissing came from the squid, the man with the axe choped the squids head in half as ink oozes from his remains.
I scrambled to my feet and hugged both of the men, "Thank you so mutch... thank... you..." I stared to get dizzy and tired, "Hey are you ok?" the man with the sword asked, I looked down and saw the squid put a syringe in my foot and made me sleepy, I started to stumble backwards and was leaning to the side about to fall when the sword guy caught me when I was about to fall and layed me on the grass I got one last glanc of there faces before I blacked out...

Mitches POV

Me and my friend Jerome were out in the forest doing our normal everyday stuff we do, choppn' dow trees and slayn' some pigs for no reason what so ever.
"Hey Jerome, how much wood do you have?" I asked, Jerome swiped his hand up and poped open his inventory, "About two stacks, it should be enough to last about a month, how much pork did you get?", I swiped my hand up to look at my inventory, 'only 17 peices', "I'm gonna have to get more for everyone else back at the base if we want to have dinner.", I look over at Jerome, he nodded at me.
He was whereing his usual clothes black suit and red tie and the thing that stoodmout about his look wa sthe fact that he always wore a furry hat, alway whereing it, if you ever asked about it he will go full mental on you, no joke.
I was whereing my usual set of clothing, mostly because I just don't feel like changing clothes, my regular red shoes, blue jeans, Whight swetter, and checkered hoody, it was most common of me to where my hoody, it has sentimental value to me.
We walked deeper into the woulds when I heard a thud like someone fell, "Jerome did you hear tha-", my sentence was interrupted by a faint yell, "Help! Someone help me!", we rushed over to where we heard the screaming, "Help! Please!", we heard the screaming get louder as we came up to a pond, there was a girl being dranged into the water by one of the mutant squids, they're like regular squids but super natural, "Jerome we have to help her!", me and Jerome ran up to the girl and saved her, I hacked off the squids tenticles that was dragged the girl to the water, and Jerome choped the squids head in half, letting the oozeing blood out.
The girl got to her feet and hugged me and Jerome, "Thank you so much... thank... you...", the girl was leaning to the side, she looked likes she's tired, "Hey are you ok?", I asked, she was was about to fall so I quickly cought her before she fell and layed her on the ground.
I got a good look at her and saw the squid stuck a syringe in her leg, it's probably what made her pass out, I took the syringe out of her leg and put it I'm my inventory, I'll take this to Seto to analyze what was in it, he's our friend but he's also a big brain nerdy sorcerer.
"Hey I also have super hearing, don't forget so I heard what you thought, also make sure you keep that syringe in a safe place we don't what you to passout ether.", Seto can also telepathicly communicate with us, it comes in handy but its also supper annoying, I wrapped the syringe in a cloth and put it in my inventory.
"Jerome, do you mind carying her?" "Nope, but you do owe me for doing this.", Jerome is like some super human, he has strength like no other in the kingdom Jerome picked up the girl bridal style, and we started walking back to the base.
We were walking for a few minutes and I didn't even relize I was starting at the girl until Jerome pointed it out, "Mitch are you ok, you stairing at her.", I blushed a bit of embarrassment, "You like her don't you, Mitch?" "Shut up!", I punched Jerome in the arm, "There's just something about this girl that just seems... off."  "Admit it, you think she's cute, you want to date her." "Jerome, shut up she might her us."

Jeromes POV

Ok so I may be picking on Mitch about him likeing this girl, but I can't help it Mitch is like a little brother to me, even though he is older than me. We were walking out of the edge of the forest and came opon the huge gates of our home, The Sky Army, standing at the top of the gate stood one of the guards, we pass by him a lot so we know him ny name, "Hey Patrick, can you let us in?", I said, "Ok so one; that is not my name, and two; I can't let you in unless you tell me why your bringing an unconscious girl in here.".
Mitch stepped up and had very angry face, "Dude, you do this every time we bring someone new in, if you can't let us in then I will happily report you to your general.", the guard sighed and let us with a turn of several leavers.
The gate opened with a loud and long creek sound, we walked in just as our leader, Sky, was passing by on his daily patrols around the kingdom, "Mitch, Jerome, what where you thinking, don't you know that you could have been taken by the squids if you weren't carefull,", Sky looked at the girl in my arms, "I assume that this is the girl you found, Seto has already informed me about what happened when you two where out, come on let's take here to the castle.", we walked by many of the shops, the clothes shop, paper shop, and my favorite, the fish shop.
After passing through the crowd of people we made it to the giant doors of our castle, we open the doors  and I moved out of the way just in time for Mich to get splashed by a bucket of water, I look up to see three of our good friends and the trio of pranking and trolling, Bodil, Einshine and ZexyZeck, behind the railing of the upstairs hallway, all of them are practically on the floor laughing there heads off.
Mitch looked up at them and laughed but it was small, "Ok I deserved it, I should have expected that, when are you three going to be done with your prank war?", Bodil put his hand under his chin to suport it on the railing, "When someone in TeamCrafted beats us with a prank grader than one we've done already, but you've failed in doing so... 7 times already." "Hey, I never back down from a challenge! I will get you one day!", Mitch proclamed with confidence, Einshine steped up, "And until then enjoy having to deal with the haunting sound of our laughter.", and with that they walked into the other room. "Let's just get her to the infirmary, so we can question her when she wakes up.", Sky said as we continued down the many of hallway when we finally reached a door with, in bolded print letters, 'INFIRMARY', sky pushed open the doors revealing the almost blinding white room, I set her down on the bed as I sat down on the chair next to it as we all await Seto's arrival.

Seto's POV

I'm now on my way to meet Sky and the others in the infirmary, but I can't help but notice a weird energy source coming from the infirmary, I get these kinds of energy in a lot of people but its only come from the people that I'm friends with, I've gotten these energies from Ty, Bodill, Jason, and both Jerome and Mitch, but Sky's has been the most powerful of the rest, his is almost off the charts, I've never actually told them about this, anyway back to the matter at hand, I walked through the doors of the infirmary seeing the unconscious girl laying on the hospital bed, I let out a sigh, "Guys, you now I can't always be your personal problems doctor for when the real one is out sick, which to be honest is kind of ironic, I'm a sorcerer, I deal with magic, I'm only hear because I've felt a strange energy coming from here and you all know about me curios self, I want to now more about everything. So if you will excuse me, let me do my thing.", Jerome and Mitch just shrugged and Sky nodded with no emotion at all. I walked up to the bed to the sleeping girl and placed my hand on her head and closed my eyes as I entered her mind...

... To Be Continued In The Next Chapter.

(well that's it for this chapter I will see you all later. Bye! <3 <3 <3)

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