Chapter 2

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Sarah sat up and stretched, taking her oxygen mouth mask off and quickly putting in her nose tubes.

It was cramped in the cabinet, but not as much since Harry had been moved upstairs. She on the other hand refused to sleep anywhere else but the cabinet!

Last week Harry had returned from his new magical school called Hogwarts. And honestly she was fascinated by it!

Slinging the oxygen purse like thing over her shoulder she ran up the stairs. She reached Harry's room and gently knocked on the door.

"Harry," she called, oblivious to the fact that it was still the middle of the night.

The door came swinging open, but it wasn't Harry as she'd hoped. Instead, though, stood two red head twins looking at her kindly.

"Do you know," one twin started and the other continued, "Where Harry keeps his school stuff?"

"T-the basement," she stuttered surprised. They nodded their identical heads and headed downstairs.

She then continued into Harry's bedroom, still slightly in shock. She looked out the window to see a flying car! After everything that had happened she was only slightly surprised.

Harry, who had his back to her, turned and sighed gratefully. "I'm glad your up, the Weaslys are going to take us to their house. Go grab your things," Harry smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

Running down the stairs she gathered her rhings and ran up the stairs, again, and into Harry's room.

After putting both Harry's and Sarah's things into the car they started to get in. Sarah climbed into the car next to the red head twins, now introduced as Fred and George.

Harry started to get in and was almost in when their Aunt and Uncle came barging into the room. Uncle Vernon was quick to grab Harry's ankle, but in the mini-tug a war Harry was victorious.

They were on their way to the burrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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