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Chapter 1 | Moved

"Ciara! You done unpacking!?" My momma yelled up the stairs as i finished putting my clothes up

" Yes mam' momma i'm coming! " I yelled back i looked around the room and sighed... New Life.

I walked towards my door and i heard something say Mine. I looked around the room and i didn't see anything so i just shrugged it off and kept going.

I walked down the stairs slumply seeing my mother smiling from ear to ear... i don't see how she's so happy.

" Quit slumping young lady, we are going to meet the neighbors and we need a good first impression " My mom said making me stand straight and dusting my clothes i fake smiled and nodded

" Ok come on " My mom said moving my hair behind my ear and grabbing my hand pulling me towards the door she checked her face in her camera once more before opening the door and we walked out towards the neighbors house. When we got there my mom turned to me

" How does my hair look? " She asked touching it i put up a thumbs up and kept a straight face my mom sighed and kissed my forehead

" You always have to try something new baby " She said ringing the doorbell i rolled my eyes and stood waiting for them to come to the door

" Well hello mam', How may i help you? " Some pretty lady said when she came to the door

" Hello we just moved here, and your our neighbor, so we came to be friendly " My momma said smiling big making the lady smile also

" Ok, come on in " The sweet lady said opening the door for us and we walked in i admired her house it was full of expensive stuff and everything was almost gold or silver

" Woow, i love your house " I commented walking around looking at things that i knew i couldn't touch but i wanted too so bad as i walked i seen basketball trophy's and a lot of pictures of 2 little boys and i seen a obituary and it said:

Celebrating the life of Ayleo Bowles


He had died last year, i wonder how?

" Hello " I heard someone say from behind me i jumped and looked behind me i seen a boy with a afro

" Uhm hey " I said smiling a little and he smiled back

" That's your mom in there? " He asked looking back at my momma talking to the lady i nodded and pulled my hair behind my ear

" Oh, she's sexy asf " He said licking his lips and staring at my mom i shoved his shoulder and he looked back at me and laughed

" I'm just playing, what's your name? " He asked watching me look at all the pictures

" My names Ciara, but i like to be called C " I said turning back to him

" And what's yours? " I asked sitting leaning on the wall watching him look at the obituary and he frowned

" Uhm, my names Mateo but i like to be called teo , ya'll just moved in that house next door? " He asked leaning beside me holding the obituary in his hand

" Yeah, is that your brother or something? " I asked looking at the picture of the boy he was very handsome

" Yeah, this my big brother, he had just moved in that house ya'll live in now " He said in sad tone i frowned

" May i ask how he died? " I asked looking up at him as he stared down at me

" Natural Causes " He said putting the obituary back where it was. I was going to ask him what kind of Natural Causes but i left it alone.

" Come one Ciara let's go! " I heard my mom yell out to me

" Ok mom i'm coming " I yelled back i turned to teo and he was already looking at me

" Uh, i guess see ya later " I smiled walking to my mom

" We need to finish putting things up, so let's go get started " My momma said grabbing my hand and we said goodbye once more before walking back home


" and done " I said falling back on my bed as i finished fixing up my room, everything was settled and i was tired

" Mine " I heard once again i jumped up and looked around i seen my curtains move and i swear my window ain't open

" Is someone there..? " I questioned looking around the room but i didn't see or hear anything else but i felt something kiss my ear and i froze

" Your mine " I heard whoever it was whisper in my ear then i guess they went away because i didn't feel or hear anything. My best bet was to run to my mom.

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