chapter 1

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   I was born in January 20th 5092, im half a dragon...I don't know how but my skull is well the top cranium of a dragon, I still have the face of a human just a dragon skull on top of my head that's attached to my skull. I have wings but with mysterious holes on the side I can't fly sadly I don't know why maybe it's the holes or I have weak wings my mom said I'm just an angle with no feathers I have to earn em. So to hide the wings I wear them like a coat but still cover them in public. I made friends with animals and humans. I have 4 dogs well actually 3 dogs and one fox his name is Benny, the three dogs were girls named roxy, may, and chikita. May and chikita were the smallest and were gifts from mom. I met roxy from travelers that wanted to give her away she lacked in hunting skills but she is such a joy and extremely loyal to me there all loyal. Benny I met in the forest running away from a bear my mother killed the bear and saved Benny ever since then Benny stayed with us. There with me everywhere I go but they tend to runaway here and there but I know there never far.

My mother was a knight her name was socorro she was the first woman in history to be an actual princess knight. She was exiled from her home when she refused to follow her father's orders to marry a prince who had wealth and power to unite the kingdoms or something like that. She never really told me much about her past I don't know if I have uncles or aunts. My father was a mercenary his name was Manuel but was often a thief too according to my mother he stole from rich evil people. I lived in an old abandoned castle about 2 miles away from the nearest city, but before I get into deep detail about this world yes this is earth but this earth is in another dimension very similar to yours except the fact things around here are a bit crazy in your world dinosaurs died out right? In this universe they live with alongside humans both at the top of the food chain. The way this world works is a little unclear but it is beautiful. There are people in this world that live in small villages or towns that work on their farms or work in the cities and worship omega(god), in the cities it's all futuristic the people there do not believe in omega they only believe in their technology. Walls made of plasma energy form around the cities to keep away the creatures and monsters from coming in. Yes there are monsters In this world

Well anyways I live in a very old castle that's covered in plants and surrounded by the woods. My mother adores plants and she had a very strong connection with her plants she taught me everything on how to take care of plants of all kinds. In a weird way they protect us by covering the holes in the castle so that when it rains they cover us or hide us from poachers and monsters. My father was always gone mostly off working... he once told me "my son I'll get you a kingdom to rule" according to my mother my dad fights other men over territory in the woods to keep the family safe from others. I hardly see him but I know he cares.

Once in a while my mother would teach me how to fight with my fist and sword and shield. She's been teaching for 5 years. She would go off with her friend who was this tall man in a suit of armor he spoke little but he gave off a very gentle aura his name was Ozzy he once saved me from a barrage of plasma arrows. That night my mother made me a two handed great sword and it was engraved it said "mothers love" the sword was still a little too heavy for me to carry but everyday I trained with it hoping to be able to swing with one hand and a shield in the other.

Outside my home in the woods there is a big town, in that town I have 4 best friends Martin, Mitchell, sal, and Dexter. I met them in school but I was later kicked out for being too disturbing to the school. The town was called Burning tail. The story I heard about the town getting its name was that her father was a experienced architect who built this town right out of nothing but nature according to the story. His daughter who wanted to follow in his footsteps but sadly she passed away from sickness he gave the name "Burning tail" to honor her memory. The name was the name of her town that she was gonna build when she was old enough to start building.

I met a princess by the name of Hallie, she had long gold hair and was very friendly I met her in the town square by a big fountain that was said to be the location of the little girls grave. Its heavily protected by the guards so that vandals would stay away from desecrating it. When meeting Hallie we talked and got to know each other.

Hallie: hey kid is that a mask your wearing of a dragon? That's so cool!

Maux: no its my head I was born this way I'm a Dragon my names Maux.

Hallie: oh..weird you know dragons don't exist right?

Maux: how do you know? There smarter than humans there probably hiding from dummies like you!

Hallie: well I never you have a lot of nerve talking to me like that didn't your mother teach you any manners?

Maux: sorry miss.

Hallie: its ok im sorry my names Hallie by the way nice to meet you Maux. And I do believe in dragons.

From then on we became best friends we hanged out everyday in the town square she couldn't leave that area because of the kings guards. My friends and I we all just played with Hallie all day in the town square. 

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