How to play?

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Okay, bring your chairs up to the table and sit in a circle.
Make chits using the paper and pen to assign the roles. Nobody tells their roles to the rest.
The narrator says "Night time!" or "Lights out!" (most crimes happen at night), and everyone but the narrator puts their head down.
"Wake up, Mafia!"
The Mafia wakes up and silently points to one sleeping law abider each, as if shooting them dead.
"Sleep, Mafia!"
"Wake up, Doctor(s)!"
The doctor points to someone, to save their life. They can even choose to save their own lives, as the Mafia could've killed them. If there are two or more victims, they can still save another victim if they're shot dead. They go back to sleep.
Next, the police get up and silently arrest the supposed murderers. They too can arrest posthumously.
"Go to sleep, Police!"
"Lights on!"/ "Daytime!"
Everyone is up. The narrator then acts like a TV news reporter.
"Last night, AB and CD of XYZ gang shot at PQ and RS. Dr EF managed to save the life of RS, but PQ died despite the best attempts of Dr GH. Fortunately for us taxpayers, our brave policewoman, Detective Inspector ABC caught the crook CD red handed, but the policeman, Commissioner DEF wrongly accused and arrested an innocent civilian O."

You can make a point system if you want, or use props like toy guns and handcuffs, or make it dramatic, or whatever floats your ark. Half the fun is in customization. Hope you enjoyed.

By the way, I've no idea by civilians are required in this game.

A/N: Those alphabet names were my angst on Geometry. The two letter ones are common names for quadrilateral edges, three letters for triangle names, and O is always what the centre of a circle is called.

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