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"Princess Karin! Your father has announced you are to go to the Grand Magic Games. He gives you seven days to find seven powerful mages and to create your own guild. He wants it to be an independent guild with no master until after the Games." Valorie, the princess's most trusted maid, delivered this news, panting. "Will you be all right?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can. Don't worry, Valorie. Please ask Caroline and Elizabeth to prepare the trunks. Make sure they prepare the secret clothes and not the frilly dresses. Perhaps a silver dress for the banquet. While you're at it, sprinkle some lavender on the trunks. Lavender increases my magic."

"Yes, Your Highness. Your brother is returning for you in eight days, so you must leave today."

"Quite, Valorie. Inform my father I am to depart at four o' clock today. It is two twelve right now. Caro and Lizzie should be done. They are the quickest packers of all my handmaidens. Right now, arrange that Klara and Danielle should accompany me. Then carry out the tasks earlier said. I will be waiting in the throne room. Father has called me to a marriage proposal. I expect I must decline again. I am one of the Three Maidens of Sorciere, after all."

"Of course, princess. I shall carry out my duties immediately."


I headed downstairs after Valorie had left. 

"You called, father?"

"Yes, my lovely daughter. This time I will accept no 'I declines.'" Karin winced, then asked, "Why?"

"Why?! You have broken the hearts of a hundred suitors already. This time, I have collected your preferences and narrowed down the list of availible suitors to you. Either Crown Prince Hibiki Lates of Korthos or Prince Eve Tearm of Vildania. Both are in Blue Pegasus and are in the Trimens. You will marry one and break the other's heart. It is fate."

"Eve. Vildania is nicer and at least he doesn't snog Jenny all the time."

The king frowned. "You do know you're also a pinup model in Sorcerer Weekly, right? You have the silver hair of shy Mirajane-" he gave a perverted chuckle "-and have the blue eyes of confident Jenny. You are bound to marry a Trimens, either Eve or Hibiki, Ren's engaged to Sherry already. Nevertheless, I think Hibiki is the better option. If you are to accept him, you can have a meeting with him today, and his sister, Aurora, is a very powerful girl. Two girls named Crystal and Cordelia Lione, who are twins and serve Her Ladyship in Korthos, will also probably join a guild as well. There are no guilds in Korthos, it's law. On the other hand, Laura Kranjcar and Rin Hikami are in Vildania. Ah, well. Both Laura and Rin live on the border, in the city of Neige. Our city, Soleil, is close to Lune, where the two are in a two-mile radius, one mile from the border.  There is a girl named Melody who resides in Etoile, named Niara Kaizaki, the daughter of the Duke of Birchtomhive."

"Do you stalk these girls and threaten to rape them if they don't tell you their level of power and name?" I very coyly asked. He turned beet red.

"No... Back to the point. Your marriage with Hibiki will bring great fortune to Sorciere. In thirteen days I shall step down from my throne and make sure you are crowned queen of Sorciere. "

Valorie came in the room with Caroline, Elizabeth, Klara, and Danielle, giving Karin no time to protest it was too early to be crowned or to get married at the age of seventeen. "Milady, your trunks for your trip to Neige, Lune, and Etoile is ready. I have sent your Exceed, Chella, to alert the Korthos royal family you will be arriving shortly. Lady Katherine, the mathmagician, had calculated it will take approximately thirty minutes to get to Lune. Then travel 1 mile to get to Etoile Palace."

"Thank you, Valorie. I'll be going off now. Klara, Danielle. Front, center."

Klara moved to my front since she was better at attacks, and Danielle behind since she was a better guarder. "Farewell, father."

"Farewell, daughter."

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