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The hot sun shone on the blue water, the surface glimmering with a pungent light that made my eyes sting.

The cool wind pushed the smell of clams and salt into my nose, making my mouth water at the thought of clams. I was starving.

"Mia," said my mother as she placed her hand on my back, "don't stand so close to the gate."

I smirked. The gate that surrounded the ship from the sea went up to my breast, and there was no way I could flip over on my own.

"Sh, go and enjoy your cruise. Stop worrying about me." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Your not even socializing with anyone. Come play games, have something to eat, talk to your siblings."

"What's wrong with me just looking out at the ocean? This is a family vacation. We shouldn't have to engage each other."

"Mia, family vacations aren't about separating from each other. It's about having fun with each other." My mother reasoned, brushing my long, brown wavy hair with her fingers.

"Okay. I'll come in a bit. Let me just enjoy the sight a bit more?"

She nodded, squeezing my arm before she walked off, mimosa in hand as her sun hat flapped in the wind.

Smiling at her, I looked back at the ocean. I so badly wanted to jump in the water, and feel the cold water cleanse my hot skin. I already had a pink suborn on my pale skin, thanks to my irish heritage, so diving into some cold water would definitely be nice.

It was dark now, the sun finally down. The sky was a dark grey and of course, it began to rain.
Everyone ran inside, except for me. Now the outside of the large ship was completely empty.

I walked back to the gate and leaned over, the darkness blinding me from seeing the ocean. I sighed.

"Mia," My father yelled from inside the deck.

I looked back, seeing the outline of his figure with his head poked outside the door.

"What?" I yelled back.

He yelled something, but the heavy wind blocked out his voice. Suddenly the ship began to jerk from side to side. The waves were so strong I felt them spray against me.

Gripping  onto the gate, I held on tightly as gallons of water splashed on the deck.

My father then began running towards me, falling down as the ship tilted to the left. I then noticed he had on a life jacket, with an extra one in hand for me. Looking inside I noticed everyone else in life jackets as well, staring out at us with wide eyes.

Getting back up he jolted towards me.

Once he reached me, he gripped onto the gate.

"Put this on!" He yelled through the rain.

Grabbing it frantically, I began wrapping my arm through it until the ship slammed to the right.

Slipping down the deck, the jacket slipped from my hand, falling into the ocean.

"No!" I screamed.

Suddenly, the Ship began standing up, croaking loudly as it began to sink.

People began screaming, running outside so they wouldn't drown indoors.

I was now fully in the water, people jumping in after me as last minute emergency boats got pushed into the sea.

Everyone was now in the water, the ship descending into the black ocean.

Screaming, my bare body began to get tossed from side to side like a rag doll getting played with by a 3 year old.

"MOM! DAD!" I screamed through the water, frantically searching for them among a sea of people.

To my luck, I spotted my mother and father, along with my 2 little brothers climbing onto an emergency boat as people climbed in after them.

"MIA!" My parents yelled.

My father then jumped into the water, swimming around to try and find me amongst the crowd.

"DA-" The waves then pushed me under them, swallowing me with its black arms.

All I heard was the loud force of the water, my body getting pushed farther and farther away from my family. Getting up for air I loudly gasped, oxygen meeting my lungs again.

But the water plunged me back under, my head throbbing as my body felt like jello. I opened my eyes only to see pitch black, the cold water piercing my skin.

Crying out loud bubbles flew up, letting me know i wasn't upside down. I remember reading that if your ever underwater, blow. If the bubbles go down, your upside down. If the blow upwards, your straight.

I then began swimming up, following the bubbles as they too wanted to reach the surface.

Grasping my hands through the water all I wanted was the sweet breath of air.

The water than smashed harder against my head, pushing my body deeper into the bottomless pit. Breathing in water as my lungs burned, everything went blank.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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