ch. 3

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Health Class

Third person's p.o.v
April worked so hard to complete not one, not two but three weeks worth of homework and class assignments that day. Except for health class which was an easy a. She did this all for her best friend. However sometimes things don't always go as plan no matter how hard you work for it and that's something April had to learn the hard way.

April's p.o.v
"There done," I say to myself. I had just finished three weeks of homework and school work. Of course I had hunt down all my teachers for the work but they gave in eventually. Keep in mind this wasn't the first time I'd asked for this much work. The teachers were used to my need for work and assignments its just who I am. Yes me April Hale the girl that will never fail.

I had stayed after school to finish all my work promising Mrs. Flanders (the librarian) that I'd lock up when done.

Now the next time, (if there was a next time) Adanna asked to hangout I'd surprise her with a "sure."

Sure we had a rocky road for a friendship but friends make sacrifices for each other. Adanna did have a point I'm not being a good friend to her and I need to make it up to her the best I can.

Taking out my phone I check the time.


School ends at 2:30pm.

I text my mom that I coming home now and she replies almost instantly.

Mom: K love, see u soon💕

Turning off my phone I lock up the school's library and head for the exit.

Making my way to parking lot I scrunch up my nose in disgust at the sight in front of me.

Derek Moore's car was parked next to mine and leaned against not his but my car smoking a cigarette.

"What do you think you're doing," I say aloud.

"Standing here," he deadpans.

I roll my eyes, "no I mean what are you doing leaning on my car?"

"Smoking what does it look like?"

His smart mouth remarked causing me to fume.

"Well you better get away from my car before I hit you with it," I say giving a smile at the end.

"Gee thanks princess," he says dryly before he Left to go lean on his own car.

I cringe at the name as I got into my car. He was watching me I could feel it.
As I drove off I looked into the rearview I could see his figure standing there watching my departure.

What a creep.

Making into home I greet my dad and brothers who were on the couch watching sports. They acknowledged me back with a,"hey" or wave of a hand.

Entering the kitchen I greet my mother. Washing my hands to help my mother get supper ready.

"What's on the menu tonight," I ask my mom watching my mom get some ingredients.

"Spaghetti," she says taking out the spaghetti sauce.

"Could you cut the pepper's," my mom asks me as a second thought.

"Yeah sure no problem."

It was kinda boring sitting in my room with nothing to do after dinner. Maybe I should've asked for more work. Laying on my back looking at the ceiling an idea pops into mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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